We must be edgy. We used “bitch” in two post titles today alone. Anyway, Ralph Koster, an executive in the MMORPG industry, posted a hilarious list of things that can be learned from MMORPGs. “Intelligent beings who have civilizations and languages of their own are generally evil and should be slain.” (link via the directory […]
WoW Gone Bad and The Dissapearing Phantom
There’s an interesting Gamasutra article on the lessons WoW is teaching. It’s worth a read, though if you like WoW, you’ll probably hate the article. In other news… It’s official! The Phantom is dead and Infinium Labs is circling the drain. They’re still desperately clinging to life and are trying to bring their Phantom Lapboard […]
Lifeblood for the PSP
Sometime last year, an epic battled ravaged gamers everywhere as they heavily debated whether Sony’s PSP or the Nintendo DS would be the handheld to have. Some people got both, some people didn’t get either, but I eventually caved to the PSP’s delicious screen and sumptuous audio aspirations. At this point neither handheld boasted a […]
Something For Halflife Lovers
Here’s something for all you Halflife lovers: Enjoy!
Doot doot doot doot doot… doo!
I wasn’t going to get a DS. I already have a PDA with a Nintendo emulator, why would I need another portable game system? It looks like I may have to change my mind: Super Mario for the DS A new Mario side-scroller? OMFG!
Player killed the Videogame Star, Part 2
With the second installment of my commentary on games and the players that ruin them, I will address board and other tabletop games, continuing from the first part which addressed videogames and how players online can completely hinder an otherwise amazing game. At the tabletop, this becomes a much more personal issue, as you can […]
A Serious Case… OF MURDER
I happened to come across an interesting adventure game on Newgrounds. In it, you play the ghost of a murdered man, trying to solve your own as well as other ghosts’ pasts. It does get a bit tedious at times, but it’s still a very impressive game. Good for an hour or two of Flash […]
World of Warcraft: God View
Some great intellect has devised a method of utilizing Google’s mapping program to produce a full overhead map of the world of World of Warcraft. Much more detailed then the in game map, this is an actual image of the very terrain that you walk over, including some regions I until recent thought untraversable. While […]
Penny Arcade: Attack of the Bacon Robots
At one point, I may or may not have philosophized that a truly blessed world was one in which a printed collection of Penny Arcade existed. Within this fictional universe, cults of idolaters worshipping the almighty Wang roamed the streets preaching their massive growth potential, while children who played violent videogames were no longer judged […]
Katamari Wuzzah?
If you are a regular reader of boingboing you will have already seen this – but for those who aren’t, here it is: The Katamari Damacy Lyrics!
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