Resident Evil 5 is slated to come out on the next generation console PS3. I wanted to share the teaser-trailor with the readers of this site. While incredibly short, the cut scene seems quite beautiful as expected. I still have a problem with fast moving zombies though! The link to the 57 second trailor is […]
Here's the Plan
That’s Plan with a capital ‘P’. In the grand heirarchy of schemes, this is the Pharoah King. Here’s the Plan: You are going to go to this site where you can sign up to win a Nintendo Sweepstakes to be the first consumer to play the Nintendo Revolution at E3. Yes, that means you get […]
Live Action Mike Tyson's Punch Out!
Here is proof that Japanese high schools are far superior to those here in the States.
Are video games art?
Just picked this up from slashdot. I of course think they are. The debate as well as having artistic and philosophical consequences would also designate whether games would get first amendment protection easily or not. It is late however and I will edit and post my more in-depth thoughts on the subject when I get […]
It's About Time!
Gamespot has finally added the 11 year old classic, Chrono Trigger, to their list of the Greatest Games of All Time. It comes with a nice write up about the game, which was released in 1995 and yet still invokes passion and nostalgia in many a gamer. Possibly the most interesting part is the discussion […]
Planetside – Reserves
I played in the Planetside beta but didn’t want to pay for it when it was officially released. I thought it was alot of fun but not worth $15 a month. Recently Sony has released a free version which allows people to play and level their character up to a certain threshhold. If you want […]
Thanks to Dennis for bringing this computer game to my attention. Since it has not yet appeared on this website though, I have decided to share the glory that is Spore. Spore is a game where the player starts out as a micro organism in a petree dish/raindrop/blob of ooze and evolves. After a certain […]
Kingdom Hearts II Review
When I first heard about Square-Enix’s decision to release another RPG based around one of my favorites on PS2 I was thrilled. Since that day I have been reading weekly updates about the game, watching the brief game play videos, and hearing what other gamers who enjoyed the first one had to say. After a […]
Dungeons and a Dragon?
When I first heard about Dungeons & Dragons Online I was very skeptical. The first reason was probably as simple as my un-hinderable lust for World of Warcraft at the time, but I also felt that there was little DDO could do to improve beyond what WoW provides. D&D Online provided a decent amount of […]
Chuck Norris visits Cyrodiil (Oblivion)
Chuck Norris in Elder Scrolls IV I know we are a bit inundated with Oblivion stuff, but this is hilarious.
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