One of the hot posts that’s been flying over the video-gameo-blogo-sphere over the past week is over an article written by a former guild leader in World of Warcraft. In it, he describes how the pressures of running a guild began to take over his life. He gained weight (like in the South Park episode), […]
Inq. of the Week: Nostalgia Reigns
Spawning from last week’s question about movies and their use of intellectual properties comes a controversial thread on how we should view and criticise older games. Their graphics suck, the gameplay is elementary, story and characterization are practically non-existant, these games suck! At least that’s what some people think, other feel that we should look […]
Wii Sparks More Hype Than Anticipated
On Friday, October 13th, EBGames/Gamestop began accepting pre-orders for the Nintendo Wii. In a matter of minutes, they were no longer accepting pre-orders. The company issued a statement regarding the pre-order status of the Nintendo Wii, which can be read here. Now, I don’t know about you, but I was not expecting the Wii to […]
When Things Get Nerfed, Angels Cry
Tons of blogs and sites rushed to cover the half-surprising / half-publicity seeking involvement of World of Warcraft in Southpark, and all quickly hurried to confirm that the Sword of a Thousand Truths was in fact a sword model found in the game but just happens to be a drop few will have for a […]
Anniversary LAN Party Bonanza!
We started Critical Hits over a year ago now for many reasons. One of those reasons was to create a kind of community here where all of our friends, and even people we don’t know, could come to talk about the things that interest us most. In an effort to further support these ideas, we held […]
Inq. of the Week: In the Movies?
Everyone’s heard that Peter Jackson is making a Halo movie, that Quinten Tarantino is not making a Half Life movie (as of now), and that Uwe Boll is going to knock Postal and Farcry clear into the worst 100. At least everyone would expect Postal to make a crappy movie no matter who directed it. […]
Online gambling measure attached to Port Security Bill in Senate
In case you have not yet heard yet, my dear friends (and I mean that in all sincerity, without sarcasm) in the Republican party have successfully attached an anti-online gambling act to a recent measure address port security. This was a saavy political move done by majority leader Bill Frist as a means of ensuring […]
Game Designers: WTF?
Something very disturbing happened in the last few days, a bunch of game developer’s blogs passed around discussions on balance (particularly in MMOs) and some of the conclusions that were made seem unsettling. A hilarious, and informative, summary can be found at WorldIV. The first part of the discussion I stumbled upon was at Psychochild’s […]
You Tubes of the Week: Of Nerds and Hardware Stores Edition
A double dose of Weird Al this week: His new album, Straight Outta Lynwood, is released today. Go buy it!
This is How a Guild Dies (part 1)
So here’s the story how it happened. What seems like ages ago (2 years) I somehow stumbled upon the closed beta signups for a game, which was then called World of Warcraft. It’s still called that, but it was called that then too. I’m not sure why I’m surprised that I found it, considering I […]
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