While preparing for last week’s comic, I went to an obvious source for cartoon-yoda images, which was of course the fantastic Clone Wars cartoons. Pictured to the right is a quick drawing I did from one of the images, just to get a feel for the style and see what I could learn from it. […]
Inq. of the Week: Girl Gamers
Getting right to the question this week: Should Girl Gamers really be treated so differently? Via Game|Life I saw this Gamestop display that seemed to really get their tights in a knot, and I began to wonder, how bad of an idea is this really? Certainly placing it right at the door to the store […]
Inq. of the Week: Horror of Horrors!
These days, more and more emphasis is being placed on the story within games. Back in the olden days, Link just wandered around the land and just happen to be given a sword by an old man. Nowadays he’s drawn into adventure, and it looks like its going to take 70 hours to finish this […]
Warhammer 40k Little Men (Ctrl+Alt+Del)
Ctrl+Alt+Del is a webcomic usually about video games, including the competitive aspect of it. It also features an Xbox robot! Their recent run, however, is about one of the characters trying to introduce his hardcore video gamer roommate to Warhammer 40k. One of my favorite exchanges from this: “These guys have chainsaw swords.” “This is […]
Going Critical on Final Fantasy XII
As some of you may know, Final Fantasy XII was released to North American audiences this past Tuesday. Although only having had barely five hours to actually play the game since then, this edition of Going Critical will be devoted to giving my initial reactions to these five hours with a full review of this […]
Get it while the Gettin's good!
Apparently Valve and Steam are being quite generous, and I wanted to share it with everyone now so they have a chance to take advantage of it. For a limited time, between today and Sunday November 5th, you can log onto Steam and download the mod The Ship for free! We talked about it a […]
A Little Rumor Control
Though I will be posting this week’s Random Encounter later this evening, I wanted to address an uncontrolled rumor that tons of bloggers seem to be rampantly throwing around. A post on EvilAvatar started stories circling around that EB Games was going out of its way to cancel E-bay auctions of pre-order PS3’s, but thankfully […]
Inq. of the Week: Style vs. Realism
This week at Critical Hits we’re looking at a classic question of taste, choice, and large anime eyes. With our mouths posivitely awash for the impending releases of the Wii and the new Zelda game Twilight Princess, we look back at the latest installment in the franchise. Tons of fans aired their grievances prior to release […]
Going Critical on Freeware Games
For my inaugural posting of Going Critical here at Critical Hits, I thought I would focus on some of the best free games that exist in this wonderful land we call the internet. MMORPG Silk Road Online Description: A MMORPG about oriental mythology involving the Silk Road that stretched from Roma into the heart of […]
Have no fear – the apocalypse is not nigh
Blizzard has pushed back the release date of Burning Crusade to January 2007, for a second I thought the anti-christ was going to be here before I could hit level 70. Can’t join you in heaven God, must run molten core! Linky
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