There is a great monster in my life now, a gnawing, gnashing, biting, consuming beast that thrashes its way into every day of life. It can barely be satiated, and only with the expenditure of great resources may it be contained. You might think you have obligations, or free time, or even a bit of […]
YouTube of the Week: HALP STUCK C64 Edition
A hamster is stuck in Monty On The Run, an old videogame. Oddly hypnotizing. Found via Boingboing.
Inq. of the Week: Campouts and Early Adopters?
Inspired by this week’s Webcomic Weekend and the launch of the Wii in Japan, I ask the question: Why do you try to get/view things on the day they’re released, or why do you avoid doing so? To put it simply, do you feel the call of “IT MUST BE MINE!” or not?
All-Night Game Console Campouts (XKCD)
XKCD is another comic that doesn’t use a fancy art style (it’s all stick figures and simple line drawings) but is consistently hilarious. It makes a lot of math, programming, and video game jokes, but the punchlnes are usually unexpected. And then there are some that are downright sweet. While it wasn’t quite like that […]
Critical Hits Gift Guide #2: T-Shirts
The noble t-shirt. Ever a staple of the gamer wardrobe. If they made jeans with gamery stuff on them, I’m sure we’d buy that too. (Though gamer underwear may also begin to, no pun intended, start to take off…) So if you’d like to clothe a fellow gamer for the holidays, or you yourself are […]
Inq. of the Week: Children-style
If you’ve watched any normal network tv channels lately, with the impending holiday season and the recent new console launches, you have also no doubt seen at least one commercial for what I call “videogame knockoffs for kids”. They’re even given elementary names, like the Leapster and the V-Smile, they’re made of brightly colored plastics […]
Departures / Some Playtesting Principles
I just got my Wii flown in, and boy are my arms tired! No seriously, I’m sore. It’s probably due to going a bit nuts with Wii Sports Baseball, and having done a lot of lifting yesterday, but my right arm really does hurt. Still, so far, a lot of fun with the games. Apparently […]
Inq. of the Week: Holiday Gift?
I now have learned, after a long ordeal, that the holiday shopping season now begins the weekend before Thanksgiving. I had hoped to use a Best Buy coupon that was valid only last weekend to purchase my Wii, but that failed for a few reasons. And Toys R Us was the busiest I’ve ever seen […]
Today's Experiment… Failed
If I had realized that Philcon was going to suck so much, I probably wouldn’t have gone. And if I had realized when I first agreed to go this year that the Wii launch was on the same weekend, I probably wouldn’t have gone. But as it stood, I ended up in Philadelphia, in unfamiliar […]
PS3 Violence
Just saw this story over on CNN. Apparently (not surprisingly) there have been a string of violent crimes over attempts to nab a PS3. Link to story Pretty damned ridiculous if you ask me!
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