It’s not surprising at all that many people feel underwhelmed at Blizzard’s recent announcement of Starcraft II. Afterall, it was pretty well certain that they’d be announcing it – it was taking place at a show in Korea, where they were holding Starcraft tournaments – there were several “leaks” from within the company – and […]
NerdNews Rundown
Hello fellow lovers of “NerdNews.” Here is the most interesting news surrounding the entertainment and technology industries to start the week. Get More of Jack Bauer… Online! Degree (yes, the deodorant) is sponsoring a website called DayZero. Beginning today, this website will feature a short flash animated adventure starring your favorite CTU operative and mine, […]
Inq. of the Week: For Aiur!
We were really curious to see which movie-watching experience you would prefer, and not surprisingly the majority chose to watch an excellent movie (RotK) even though it involved getting punched repeatedly in the stomach (either hard or light, possibly causing internal bleeding, unless they’re delivered by DrScotto at which point your head will explode!) with […]
CH Exclusive Info: Blizzard's Big Announcement
Despite rampant speculation otherwise, Critical Hits has obtained a screenshot of tomorrow’s update of Blizzard’s homepage which confirms that the big announcement will be a new property: Cowboycraft.
God, Are You Listening?
If you are, then on May 19th Blizzard will announce Starcraft II. Right now they are doing their typical hype-building site countdown; this time (as you’ll see if you visit their site) they have been counting all week through their titles from Warcraft & Warcraft II to presently Diablo II. The original Starcraft was yesterday’s, with […]
Use Your Wii to Play With Lara Croft and Xianghua
No, I’m not tired of Wii puns yet. Two interesting video game announcements for Wii owners this week: Eidos has announced that they are doing a “Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition” for Wii that will take advantage of the Wii’s control system. TRAE is a remake of the very first Tomb Raider game, but in an […]
YouTube of the Week: Mario + Drama Edition
Poor Mario has many problems. Who knew being big was so addictive? Found via Boingboing.
Because Magic The Gathering isn't Expensive Enough
I had seen some preview product shots before, but it wasn’t until Penny Arcade pointed me to the in-depth Gamespot preview did I become interested in a new PS3 product. (Not quite so interested as to go out and buy one, but to have finally found a product that I might want to buy if […]
Sony knows how to throw a party
A scandal that seems to have exploded over the weekend despite actually happening two months ago: Sony, who has some problems in the PR department, decided to throw a big event to celebrate the launch of God of War 2 in, appropriately enough to the game’s story, Athens. They also decided to go the extra […]
Starcraft Boardgame has a Release Date
I’m sure you’d rather see the announcement of Starcraft 2, but at least it’s something to tide over you Zergling fans out there. The Starcraft boardgame will be released in September of this year (and unlike Blizzard, Fantasy Flight is known to get its stuff out on time.) The game will be in the FF […]
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