After seeing the demo at the press event, and after an excellent lunch, we were brought back into the theater to have an extended Q & A session with Todd Howard, Emil Pagliarulo, and Pete Hines. These questions were all asked by various members of the press who attended, and I have absolutely no idea […]
Fallout 3: An Outsider's Inside View
Back in early June I was fortunate enough to attend the Fallout 3 Press Event at Bethesda Soft, where we got to see about an hour’s worth of game play and ask a whole lot of questions with Todd Howard, Emil Pagliarulo, and Pete Hines. Right off I would like to extend a huge thank […]
Rated NO for "No One Can Play"
While many of the news outlets are running stories today about the Supreme Court decisions involving free speech, many of us are looking at related issues that run close to home. Manhunt 2 has been rated as AO by the ESRB, and both Sony and Nintendo responded that they weren’t going to have any AO […]
YouTube of the Week: Steel in the Heart Edition
A “trailer” for a Punch-Out movie. Part of the Nintendo Short Cuts fan video contest. This one didn’t make the cut, but you can catch out the 10 finalists on the short cuts website. While there, be sure to check out my top two picks, Good vs. WiiVil and The Missing Link.
Inq. of the Week: May the Dice be with you
Last week, we asked what kind of gamer you classified yourself as. The top pick was Explorer/Achiever with 9 votes… possibly because it was the most positive of all the options. I know that most of you like to talk smack and just won’t admit it. Second place was my pick, the Dysfunctional Game Designer, […]
Wizards of the Coast announced that they are working on a new online portal called Gleemax, both from an inside joke among the staff and (I assume) something that sounds vaguely like Google. Icv2 has the big interview with VP of Digital Games Randy Buehler, which explains what Gleemax will one day be. The site…will […]
Why Do We Play Games Anyway?
Dave’s out of town this week, doing whatever it is that those “gamey” types of people do, and so I’m posting a (late) Critical Threat to keep the trend. Every week he discusses a new idea or concept that comes up to him about game design, playing board games, and living in the world of […]
Fallout 3 Teaser Trailer
I forgot to mention in my post earlier, but Bethsoft released the first teaser trailer for Fallout 3 yesterday. Check it out or download it at the official Fallout 3 site. While a lot of diehard fans of the series are really digging into this game without even seeing anything until now, I think this […]
YouTube of the Week: Dance Party Edition
WoW dancers and their real-life counterparts. Strangely hypnotic. Via ExtraLife
My Halo 3 Beta Impressions
I got into the multiplayer beta the way most people did: by purchasing Crackdown (a very fun game I might add). While there was a little hitch on the initial day of download I was very impressed by the download rate when everything was fixed and up and running. There is no intro movie, however, […]
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