It wasn’t all that long ago that if you wanted to play a rhythm game, your option was to play Dance Dance Revolution and all the neighbor-disturbing fake-dancing silliness that it implies. There were other entries that hit mainstream- Donkey Konga and Karoke Revolution come to mind, but none of them hit hard enough to […]
Game Carnival (If Only It Had Funnel Cake)
Yehuda has posted the newest Game Carnival, which includes two of my Critical Threat articles. It also contains a number of other articles about games, from a few theory articles to some video game reviews. I haven’t gone through all of them yet, but already I’m digging an article by Corvus that I missed when […]
Doritos Contest: Total Joke
Wired has a funny article up about the winners of a recent contest sponsored by Doritos to pitch games for Xbox Live Arcade. The kind of games selected are hilarious by themselves, but the article goes the extra distance of mocking them. A friend of mine entered a few ideas into the contest, mistaking it […]
Inquisition of the Week: YouTube Tuesday
Last week, with vacation on the brain, Bartoneus asked how you like to spend your vacation time. Most of you said that you would hibernate, which I suppose is cheaper than all the other options, unless you mean actually go somewhere to hibernate. Second place went to those of you who love roller coasters and […]
A Compedium of Critical Threat Worthy Posts 8/10/7
Here’s a few articles that I’ve been reading over the past few weeks that I highly recommend for any of you in the field of thinking about games or even just those with an interest in games.
Nerd News Update 8/8/07
There is a Warcraft Movie Blog, and it has some psuedo-news gathered through what I assume was some form of scrying or dark ritual performed at Blizzcon. Today at BlizzCon 2007 we have heard our first solid and interesting information with regards to the Warcraft, or to some, the World of Warcraft Movie. This movie […]
Inq. of the Week: Vacation
Last week’s awesome list of announcements from Comic-con definitely got me excited, and it looks like the announcement of new Futurama episodes is what gets the most of you going as well. The Dark Knight teaser was great to listen to but lacking in any sort of visual content other then the logo, and I […]
Inquisition of the Week: Ridiculous Critiques
As I write this, the results of last week’s poll are still in the air. Calling it now means that most of you said that you will see “more than meets the eye” on opening night, just narrowly edging out those who will wait for the following weekend. I’m very surprised to see so few […]
Flog the Horse Once More
So apparently the back of my head made it onto Kotaku, from the auditorium at the Fallout 3 Press Event: Is this a benevolence beyond all recognition, or is it an evil that will never wash off?
Fallout 3: Developer Q & A with the Press (Part 2)
(Continued from Part 1- be sure to have read that first!) Q: Will there be character titles that you gain from certain actions / quests? (Like “Destroyer of Worlds”) A: Yes, there will be titles related to your level and your alignment on the sliding scale of Karma/Reputation. Q: How is the AI different from […]
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