So, how about that Halo 3, huh?… ::crickets:: Over 80% of you don’t own an Xbox 360, and won’t be picking one up to see what happens to the intrepid Master Chief and his supply of Mountain Dew. (No wonder Super-Soldiers were eliminated right away in the Real Ultimate Showdown.) At least 3 of you […]
Real Time Raytracing – One Possible Future of 3D Gaming
Introduction We all love the wonderfully resplendent graphics possible on todays graphic hardware. It’s really quite amazing, the stuff we are able to squeeze out of some extremely complex arrays of silicon. But current GPUs have a dirty little secret that I am going to share with you. Current GPUs are terrible kludges, composed of […]
Real Ultimate Showdown Round 3
[This round is over, go vote in the FINAL ROUND] Eight groups enter, only four will advance. The epic battle to determine what is the coolest thing of all rages on. Some unexpected warriors have made it this far, but they still have difficult battles ahead of them. Below are the four match ups for […]
Inq. of the Week: Halo 3
The most obvious choice for this week is to ask everyone about Halo 3, and whether you couldn’t care less or if you’re already waiting in line checking the site on a laptop or your iPhone! But first, let’s cover the results of Dave’s question about upcoming sci-fi shows premiering this week. The results are […]
Real Ultimate Showdown Round 2
[This round is over, go vote in the FINAL ROUND] Vote on the Round 2 Matchups now! Remember, vote for who you WANT TO WIN and not necessarily who you think would win in a straight up fight. Voting ends at Wednesday, September 26 at 11:59PM EST. Especially for those of you still in the […]
Real Ultimate Showdown Round 1
[This round is over, go vote in the FINAL ROUND] Many a rivalry is legendary. Pirates vs. Ninjas. Robots vs. Zombies. Werewolves vs. Unicorns. But which one of these groups is truly best? joshx0rfz and I were talking about how the Muse video that was posted yesterday was all kinds of awesomeness, and discussed what […]
Inq. of the Week: PlayStation 3
In a showdown of upcoming superhero movies, it looks like The Dark Knight and Watchmen come out on top, with the Batman sequel one full vote in the lead! The Incredible Hulk movie got absolutely NO love, despite the changes such as Ed Norton playing Bruce Banner, a new look for the cg hulk, and […]
From Screen to Board: Translating Properties into Boardgames
Here’s a pretty solid rule of game design: any game you design in your dreams is likely to be crap. (That’s not to say you can’t get inspiration from dreams, but you’re unlikely to get a good game out of one you made up in a dream.) A friend of mine brought this up recently […]
Who Games the Gamesmen?
I don’t find myself particularly drawn to being active in online message boards. There are plenty I read, especially when a big story happens, but overall, I don’t post much. I find myself getting my “feathers easily ruffled” when there are vocal internet dickwads, which seem to thrive in the message board environment. I find […]
YouTube of the Week: Don't Press My Buttons Edition
Through clever level design, watch Super Mario World play itself. (It’s much more fun than it sounds.) They claim there’s no button presses at all, but Mario carrying a turtle shell seems like it needs a button unless I missed something. Originally found via Destructoid… after the jump, some more self-playing SMW fun.
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