We’ve talked briefly about Eye of Judgement before, the Sony/Wizards of the Coast game that merges the CCG with the PS3. I haven’t played it, nor to my knowledge has anyone on the staff here, but reviews say it’s pretty fun. It still has a huge cost of entry, however. Well, maybe not so bad, […]
First Impressions: Guitar Hero 3 (Xbox 360)
I strolled right into my local GameStop yesterday and picked up Guitar Hero 3 (game only) for the Xbox 360. (Also grabbed the Orange Box, but resisted Halo 3 for now.) Using my trusty band THAC0, I’d estimate I’ve played through about half of the game on Medium, maybe a little more. I still don’t […]
With God's Help – a short movie
If you want to see a good portion of the crit-hits staff in a short movie (done for the Assassin’s Creed contest) then head on over to this link to give it a look see. Feedback is welcome. (embedded after the jump –editor)
A Koster Conception
For those of you who know me, and read Penny Arcade regularly, you’ve no doubt been waiting for this post since last Wednesday. (The) Raph Koster wrote a guest post for Tycho, it was about a game idea Tycho had and discussed with Raph at San Diego ComicCon which is an MMO Construction game of […]
Comic Snap Reviews: SPX 07
On Friday, the lovely Melinda and I visited the Small Press Expo in Bethesda, MD (though it was essentially in Rockville.) The Small Press Expo, or SPX for short, st what I can only describe as one of the big indie comics conventions. The convention mostly consists of a large exhibit hall, where various comic […]
YouTube of the Week: Who cares why they're fighting? It's awesome looking.
Remember that guy who did the Samus vs. Spartan video? Well, he did another one, pitting Final Fantasy against Dead or Alive. It’s truly amazing, not just in the animation but in the fight choreography. Somebody hire this guy to make every new action movie!
Real Ultimate Showdown FINAL ROUND
So it has come to this at last. 32 entered, and after this round, only one will leave, proving once and for all who the coolest group out there. The road had been long to reach the final round. There were many surprise upsets along the way- some big favorites were knocked out early. We […]
About time!
Sonic will be a playable character in Smash Bros. Brawl for Wii. He joins Snake as a non-Nintendo IP brawler. Will we see any other surprises in the character list? Who would you like to see?
Inq. of the Week: Consoling Gamers
Our Classic Game Trilogies Inquisition was a big hit with people being forced to make the tough choice between many of their favorite classic games. Coming in tied at first place with 24% each is the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Super Mario Bros. 3. Second place rightfully goes to Final […]
Real Ultimate Showdown Round 4
[This round is over, go vote in the FINAL ROUND] The final four combatants… or is that the fatal four? The fighting grows more intense in this penultimate round of the Real Ultimate Showdown. Venture on to vote for WHO YOU WANT TO WIN in both match ups to determine who will advance the final […]
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