After sending DrScotto questing all around Maryland in search of Rock Band last Sunday, he arrived with the large box in tow and laid it at our feet to dig through many boxes, baggies, and instructions. Him, The O, my little brother, and myself rocked out for a few hours that night, each taking a […]
YouTube of the Week: High Level Mohawk Edition
Does Blizzard know their audience or what? Two great WoW ads featuring Mr. T and William Shatner.
YouTube of the Week: Konami Code Activate Edition
Hey, those guys who did that awesome Punch-Out trailer also did a trailer for Contra! They even decided to toss in a few other action movie references to round it out. Here’s hoping River City Ransom is next for Team Awesome!
"You've made me so happy! We could really use a healer!"
The dangers of playing WoW. (thanks, Amber!)
Inq. of the Week: Best. Game. Ever.
I’ve decided to let last week’s poll on what kind of games you play run for another week to try to get a few more responses in. It’s great to see that everybody that comes here plays some kind of games, and there are many (like myself and Wooglin) that play everything! “We do not […]
Street Fighter: The Later Years
I don’t even remember now how I came into the site, but somehow I wandered over to the College Humor video section, and found that they’ve started a series of short movies called “Street Fighter: The Later Years.” It’s quite funny and there are even a few twists and turns (and just enough special effects […]
YouTube of the Week: Racing Boxes, Tables, and Chairs Edition
A stop-motion, live-action homage to the Mario Kart games. My favorite part is how they make the invincible star effect- you just gotta see it. Also a guest appearance by a 40k army!
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
You’ve been camped in the tall grass for half the game, waiting patiently. Suddenly in the distance you see a lone figure kneeling behind a crate exchanging fire with an unknown target. You raise your rifle scope to your eye and zero in on your target. He’s stopped firing and appears to be holding his […]
Inq. of the Week: Games You Play
Two weeks ago Dave asked about your views on Web-vertising and it looks like a large majority just tune out Google ads all together, a whopping 48% of you! Smaller groups found them sometimes handy but mostly unobtrusive or make effective use of sophisticated ad-blocking software to make sure that they are none-the-wiser to this […]
YouTubes of the Week: No Connection At All Edition
Two videos I just had to blog about this week, but they’re both short. The first, “Mike Tyson’s Brunch Out” which is hilarious and difficult to describe. And after the jump, the first trailer for the first Dragonlance animated movie… and boy, it does not look good, despite some awesome voice talent.
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