Proof that great minds think alike: Conan shows off his Rock Band skills, and his favorite song to sing is the same as mine.
Inquisition of the Week: Best Game of 2007
We’re going to run the poll for another week to see if more people will come forward to defend the honor of 2007. Reverend Mike makes a great point that it might not be as good as we hoped with the Writer’s Strike messing up the movie and tv schedules. I should also point out […]
Portal fans will want to check out the ApertureScience website for a special Holiday-Cam, complete with festive weighted companion cube and, of course, cake. There’s also plenty of fun stuff to be had after logging in (by typing LOGIN at the prompt, then using username: CJOHNSON and password TIER3.) Be sure to APPLY when you’re […]
Toss another Halfling into the endzone!
Spotted this at BGN: next year, expect a PC version of my favorite Games Workshop game Blood Bowl, with an Xbox 360 version to follow later in the year. This is not the first computer version of BB, but it has been a while: the previous one ran on DOS. The article has this to […]
Inq. of the Week: 'Tis the Season
In Dave’s scandalous question from last week about everyone’s pirating habits we were not surprised to see that a lot of people do resort to downloading things online. Interesting enough there was a spike in the results where people download content online illegally specifically when it is not available through any other means, illustrating what […]
Critical Hits Gift Guide 2007: The Games
Hello, and welcome again to the Critical Hits gift guide! Each year, we’ve taken a different tack for making recommendations. This year, due to some regrettable server downtimes, we’re compressing our recommendations. So first comes the most important category, games! Herein contain the best games that came out since the last holiday that make great […]
Independent Games Festival 2008 Award Nominees – Part 1
The Independent Game Festival occurs every year at the Game Developers Conference. It’s purpose is to showcase and reward the efforts of independent game developers who have produced outstanding innovative games. For those who are interested in watching last year’s Independent Game Festival(which, from this point on in the article, will be abbreviated IGF), the […]
Tiers of an Online Video Game Reviewer
While some of us have been rolling dice and rocking out, the video game blogosphere has gotten to erupt with a scandal that has many taking a critical look at the state of online video game journalism. In brief, a GameSpot editor was fired. The tipping point seemed to be that he rated a certain […]
YouTube of the Week: Cake Not Included Edition
Ever wonder what Portal would be like as a multiplayer kill-fest with stick figures? Wonder no more!
Inq. of the Week: Musical Nerds
We’re hopefully back to some semblance of our normal schedule here at Critical Hits, between our hosting going wonky, me having indefinite bouts of sucking, and Dave going through the layers of hell known as Graduate School / End of the Semester we have really fallen behind here. Oh, and the fact that Rock Band […]
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