After stopping by a few stores and calling a few more, it seemed clear to me that I wasn’t going to pick up a copy of Wii Fit. (And that means I won’t be buying it any time soon… sigh.) I was able to find solace by downloading the demo for Penny Arcade Adventures: On […]
“Guitar Hero IV” will feature a Band… of Rock…
Rumored for a few weeks now, it seems that confirmation has come out that the next real installment of the Guitar Hero franchise (skipping over certain spin-off products) will feature a drum set to augment your Guitar and Bass rocking. Sound a bit familiar? Activizzard says that their drum set will be totally bitching, and […]
Catch-Up Mechanics and that Damn Blue Shell
I think we can all agree that it sucks to be losing. In most games, it’s inevitable that someone will be losing. However, good games will try to convince every player that he has a chance of winning up to the very end (while still rewarding those who did well throughout the course of the […]
An Instruction for All Xbox Live Users
It’s very simple what you must do today. Log on to Xbox Live. Download Wits & Wagers, newly released today. Enjoy the most award-winning trivia game ever (made by Maryland’s own North Star Games) from the comfort of your own Xbox. I only got a chance to play a few rounds this morning, but it […]
YouTube of the Week: Tame Theft Auto Edition
Conan O’Brien’s version of the new, tamer GTA. First one above, second one (that I think is even funnier) after the jump.
GleemaxGames Goes Gold
OK, not so much gold as live, but I wanted alliteration. The first few games to be released through Gleemax are now available for a free trial period. So far, they have: RoboRally, the classic game of programming robots, who then run into things and blast each other Axis & Allies, the classic WWII strategy […]
Chatty’s Review: Mario Kart Weeee!
Wha? What the hell am I doing here you ask? It’s quite simple really, I felt like reviewing a Video Game and this here site here actually covers that particular niche better than mine (Obligatory shameless plug? Check.) So we’re cool? Cool! Ok, here’s the thing. My lovely wife is currently gone for a few […]
First Impressions: GTA IV
I had not originally planned to pick up Grand Theft Auto 4 anytime soon, but when your wife asks you to go out and buy GTA any hesitation would be a grievous offense. We got it for the 360 because we don’t own a PS3, and also because achievements are our console gaming lifeblood. Now […]
Dungeons & Dragons: The Pen and Paper Video Game
In lieu of Mr. Gary Gygax’s passing, Gamasutra has an pretty interesting introspective on how D&D has influenced, perhaps even birthed, the modern video game, especially in consideration to the RPG and Simulation genres. It’s quite insightful and well worth reading. Registration MAY be required, but probably not. [Dungeons & Dragons: The Pen and Paper […]
Behind the Wave
I received quite a shock last night when I opened an e-mail newsletter that I somehow started getting from EB Games. You see, I haven’t been up to date with current gaming since the Gamecube was around and kicking. I noticed that it happened when I went through a lot of effort to reserve and […]
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