Before GenCon 2008, we were contacted to check out the Entropia Universe booth during the show. There, we met with John Bates of Mindark, who explained to us all about Entropia Universe, the online game/virtual world. Bartoneus and I went into the interview knowing almost nothing about it, but we both agreed afterward that it’s […]
Review: Alone in the Dark
So about a week and a half ago The Game received a review copy of Alone In the Dark, a somewhat new game from Atari and Eden Games released June 24th. A PS3 port is to come later, possibly September. The demo is being released pretty soon if not already. Alone in the Dark is […]
War is Coming
Greetings all, For the past year or so I’ve received monthly newsletter updates on the progress of the upcoming MMORPG Warhammer Online: Age of reckoning. Just the past week, I recieved the “newsletter you have all been waiting for” and by that I mean Mythic Entertainment (finally) has announced a release date for their long […]
The World Ends With You
OR: Final Fantasy DJ The World Ends With You proves yet another great game from monolithical Square Enix, who bring us the Final Fantasy games, quintessential playing for role-playing games (RPG). TWE brings a hip-hop attitude to a group of dead kids who need to pass a series of trials in some alternate universe in […]
Some Pleasant Overlap
I’ve noticed lately that there seem to be two groups of people who really enjoy 4e, and who are coming back to it after years of not playing D&D: WoW Players Eurogamers Now, I think I’ve shied away from pointing this out because early on, these were used as derogatory statements against 4e. (I still […]
The Most Mega of Men
Must…stop…hyperventilating! They’re coming out with Megaman 9, and some holiest of holies has inspired them to make it a retro game! Sweet mother of Christmas! It looks like it will be available for download for the Wii, 360, and PS3 for whatever amount of money equates to 1000 wii points. You should totally go read […]
Press “A” Repeatedly to Torture Moloch
Continuing the spin-up of the hype machine for the Watchmen movie, downloadable episodic Watchmen video games are coming. The developer claims that this will give them more time to actually produce a quality game, unlike the vast majority of movie cash-in tie-in games. The games will follow the adventures of Nite Owl and Rorschach, I’m […]
Tidbits from E3 that I have liked
Since, for some reason, our tickets to E3 never arrived, I’ve been following the news through a few of the big video game blogs, and picking some things out that interest me: Xbox 360 will be able to stream Netflix movies if you have a subscription. I’ve never gotten the streaming video to work on […]
YouTubes of the Week Versus the Zombies Edition
Two videos featuring some unlikely zombie killers. The first, the trailer for the movie Chanbara Beauty, sent to me by the Chatty DM who claims to have seen the movie and still has his eyes intact. The second, a music video featuring Gorbachev as Conan fighting zombies, which was first featured by Amber Night.
Gaming Now on the iPhone
It’s a good thing I was randomly floating around a few sites on the internet today, otherwise I might have easily missed the launch of Apple’s oh so appropriately named (haha!) App Store for the iPhone which allows you to download games for the glorious piece of sexy technology. I bought one back in september […]
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