I am sure that those of you who are reading this have more than likely read the reviews submitted by Dennis and Dave. If you have not, then you should before diving yourself any further into this materpiece! They both provide good insights and thoughts into the game mechanics and rules system.
Twilight Imperium Review: Smaller, Less Detailed, and More Postive
I bought Twilight Imperium based on my love of big epic games, such as Game of Thrones (also from Fantasy Flight) and a desire to buy a game as a form of escapism from my mind-numbing, short-lived experience in sales hell. I’ve since played it twice, and enjoyed both experiences, but there is something about […]
The Twilight of the Imperium 3rd Edition: Dave's Derisive Take
Twilight Imperium 3rd edition was released this year, updating a Fantasy Flight Games classic to adapt some more modern ideas in board gaming. I own the second edition, and played it twice, but it hasn’t really left the shelf in many years, due to time and complexity involved. I have now played the 3rd edition […]
The Cheater
Why didn’t I write down everything in my notes? I could have meticulously recorded every bit of information I heard, and then I wouldn’t be in this situation at all. I peered upon golden rays of knowledge, brighter even then the sun itself, only to have them lost to me now.
The Meeple Revolution has Begun!
First, they were studied extensively… And now, what once were considered harmless wooden citizens of a medeval French town have begun to invade. Beware, the meeples are coming! Who knows what effect Essen will have on these startling developments. –Dave
A 600 lb. Gorrilla
Poker has become a plague that is sweeping across the country. I can remember nigh over a year ago when barely anyone I knew wanted to play the game. CARDS? POKING? What is this ancient, non-computer based abomination?
October: What I'm looking forward to
In Comics: Infinite Crisis. I’m a total DC whore, and they’ve totally hooked me with all the lead in stuff, even if it varies drastically in quality. It’ll be good to see where it all has been heading, especially when they’ve got writers I enjoy like Judd Winnick and Geoff Johns onboard, but mostly looking […]
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