It sounds like a riddle: “What job pays less than minimum wage, but everyone wants?” Sadly, the answer I’m looking for is Game Designer. You might eventually be able to find a high paying job as a game designer for a video game company, but if you want to design for any other field, you […]
Inquisition of the Week: Bosses!
This week’s question pertains mostly to videogames, but if your brain works in abstract ways yet unknown to mankind, you can most likely relate it to boardgames, tabletop RPG’s, or even a day at work in the office. The question is purposefully left very general, so that you can take it however you like. What […]
The Digital World of Analog Play
One of the stories posted in nearly all the news sites I read is that Microsoft is going to make three Spiel Des Jahres winning boardgames available as downloadable content from Xbox Live. Turning boardgames into videogames has been going on for a long, long time: my parents used to play Backgammon and Bridge on […]
GTF Principle
Quick, what do: Dungeons & Dragons Magic: The Gathering Diskwars and Mage Knight have in common? They enjoy or enjoyed commercial success by the GTF (Get There First) Principle.
A Solid "1"
A friend of mine has a rating system that he uses mainly for tv and movies (no, not the -90 to 90 scale that many of us here are fond of.) He rates them on a scale of 1 to 5, but not necessarily on quality. To briefly summarize as best I understand it, A […]
Snakes on a Plane: The Game
Want to get inside summer’s next big blockbuster? Do you want to feel like you’re inside the movie? Do you not trust your friends, and think that they might secretly be Snakes? Then this is the game for you. (this is an blatant ripoff adaptation of the classic game Werewolf, also known as Mafia. I […]
Inquisition of the Week: New Games
GenCon Indy is right around the corner, the biggest “adventure game” convention in America. Traditionally many new products are announced and launched there. Before we hear about the hot products of the next year, what game (of any type) that you’ve played for the first time in the past year do you like the best? […]
Not a "Lost" Opportunity
Yes, it was bound to happen. The hit TV show “Lost” will soon be a board game. The scary thing is, it might actually be a good game. just posted a feature about it that has a description of the rules and an interview with the game’s designer.
Leeroy Jenkins… the CCG?
This one is for the the World of Warcraft-ians among us. Apparently in the upcoming World of Warcraft CCG, there will be a card immortalizing Leeroy Jenkins himself. Also, other cards are planned that use humorous/true stories from the WoW community. The Leeroy Jenkins card will be illustrated by Gabe from Penny-Arcade, which should be […]
Spiel Des Jahres Nominees Announced
The Spiel Des Jahres, the German Game of the Year awards, nominees have been announced. They are: Seeräuber Aqua Romana Just 4 Fun Thurn und Taxis Blue Moon City
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