Wizards of the Coast announced that they are working on a new online portal called Gleemax, both from an inside joke among the staff and (I assume) something that sounds vaguely like Google. Icv2 has the big interview with VP of Digital Games Randy Buehler, which explains what Gleemax will one day be. The site…will […]
Mighty Adventures of Text
This started quite simply with the question, “What would Candyland look like as a text adventure?” Clearly it went a bit further than that, but as a game we’ve previously discussed as having no decisions what-so-ever and therefore not being a game, the concept is tantilizing. Is there a sole decision in Candyland, and is […]
Balticon Panel Recap / Crappy First Prototypes
First, thanks to everyone who came out and attended the panel I was on at Balticon. The guys with me on the panel are geniuses who I always like comparing ideas too, and I’m glad we had a good discussion with an audience that seemed genuinely interested. Some random points that I remember from the […]
In our group, if you make a rules mistake and inadvertently try to cheat, Jake will say “Give me your hand.” He becomes quite insistent until you present your hand, at which point, he will slap it on the backside like a nun’s yardstick. This is his way of enforcing the rules, and I believe, […]
YouTube of the Week: In Soviet Russia, Go Passes You! Edition
Communist Monopoly. Enjoy.
2007 Spiel Des Jahres Nominations
All of the above titles are being brought to the US by Rio Grande. I’ve played both Yspahan and Zooloreto, but neither particularly blew me away. Arkadia was described as “stock market tetris” to me, and Jenseits von Theben sounds a bit more “gamery.” And nobody seems to be gung-ho about Thief of Baghdad. There’s […]
The Metaphor
I’m not talking about the kind you find in a short story- no, this is the metaphor in games. Almost every game has a metaphor of some sort, except the super driest theme-less games. Chess, for example, has a pretty good metaphor, as does Go. However, something like Blokus, with its abstract play and strange […]
Because Magic The Gathering isn't Expensive Enough
I had seen some preview product shots before, but it wasn’t until Penny Arcade pointed me to the in-depth Gamespot preview did I become interested in a new PS3 product. (Not quite so interested as to go out and buy one, but to have finally found a product that I might want to buy if […]
Boom! Studios Seeking Artists for Warhammer Comics
Found over at CBR, I thought that we here at Critical Hits were in a fairly unique position to promote this, as we cover both gaming and comic content (and also being home to a number of up and coming artists.) Press release follows: Official Press Release ATTENTION ALL SEQUENTIAL ARTISTS: Boom! Studios is launching […]
Game Design, the Slacker Way
First, I want to recommend some other game design blog reading that is not my own: The Importance of Being Elegant takes a good shot at attempting to define elegance in board games and providing means by which we can evaluate a game for elegance. Good stuff that I need to dive into further. Sometimes, […]
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