With Origins out of the way, and none of us going to Comic-Con, we can get back to actually playing games and blogging. Of course, silly things like life are taking their toll on those two pursuits, but hopefully soon we’ll be back up and running at full force. One of those silly distractions has […]
Origins Report: 2007 Wrapup
I’ve arrived home safely from Origins (no thanks to a drunk driver killing several and delaying traffic for hours.) Here’s some general thoughts about the whole thing.
Inq. of the Week: Gaming Awards?
Last week, we tried to find out if any of you were as amused by some of the critiques of what we know of Fallout 3. The majority of people did not call me a moron, but only by a slim margin, as most of you picked that all the complains were reasonable. Second place […]
Origins Report: Origins Awards Ceremony
I’m preparing to cover the Origins awards at 8. I’m doing a few live updates, then below that is the list of categories (and check out the nominees list), and I’ll update the winners live as they’re announced. I should add: this is the 33rd Annual Origins Awards. 8:02 PM: GAMA Executive Director Anthony Gallela […]
Origins Pregame
A good friend once said to me, on the occasion of the finale of a D&D game where nearly all the players were moving away, “I’ll see you all once a year for the rest of my life.” He was referring to Origins. Origins is the yearly tabletop gaming convention (dare I say extravaganza) located […]
YouTube of the Week: Fire Not Included Edition
A promotional video for the laser boardgame Khet. Now here are some guys who take a game seriously.
Review: Tales of the Arabian Nights
Tales of the Arabian Nights (hereafter refered to just as Tales) was originally published in 1985 here in the US. It was reprinted recently in Germany as Geschichten aus 1001 Nacht. Tales is one of the most famous of the “paragraph games”. A paragraph game, essentially, is multi-player choose your own adventure. The similarities are […]
Gaming origami
While searching for origami instruction I found this nifty website with all sorts of fantasy inspired origami pieces. Ever wanted to see an origami beholder? Click here!
Inq. of the Week: May the Dice be with you
Last week, we asked what kind of gamer you classified yourself as. The top pick was Explorer/Achiever with 9 votes… possibly because it was the most positive of all the options. I know that most of you like to talk smack and just won’t admit it. Second place was my pick, the Dysfunctional Game Designer, […]
Rug-Sweeping and the Party Game Problem
Thanks again to Bartoneus for filling in for me last week. (Guess this means I need to make a comic for a Random Encounter– there’s a scary thought.) As a short rebuttal to the question he posed, I generally don’t talk about fun specifically because it’s hard to design to be fun, and it’s a […]
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