I’m at the 2008 Origins Game Fair in Columbus Ohio. Here’s a list of all the posts I’ve done about Origins: Travel Day (Podcast) Pictures from the Show (updated daily) Valerie of Rio Grande Games explains Dominion (Podcast) Luke of North Star Games explains Say Anything (Podcast) Lucas of Fantasy Flight Games explains Mutant Chronicles […]
YouTube of the Week: Andy vs. Everybody Edition
In honor of heading off to Origins this Wednesday, check out this video of my buddy Andy Looney playing many of his games at once at last year’s Origins. Bonus: he calls his own La Strada !! on camera, which of course is illegal.
An Unusual Source for RPGs and Game Design
Here’s an idea I’ve been thinking about for a while, and is worth revisiting as you plan your next campaign or sit down to design the next great game. Our biggest source of traffic is, of course, Google. Thanks to all the tracking software whojidgts, we have a comprehensive log of the search terms used […]
WotC announces Magic: The Gathering changes, nerd rage on all sides
GamingReport posted a statement from Wizards about changes to come in Magic: The Gathering, which I can only guess are going to inspire hatred in the hardcore fans. I haven’t followed Magic for some time now (Time Spiral was even the last set I did a draft in), but it’s always interesting to see what […]
Going all Wiki on Game Design
The friendly neighborhood Propangandroid over at The Gamer Dome has just launched a wiki for his new project: a way for all the amateur game designers to collaborate on their projects. Unlike the board game designers forum, this has a broader aim: to not only help those who want to design from scratch, but for […]
Review: PMOG, the Passively Multiplayer Online Game
Tired of spending countless hours raiding and clicking to level up your Paladin? Wish you could gain powers and abilities while checking your email and going through your RSS feeds? Then do I have the game for you. PMOG- the Passively Multiplayer Online Game– is designed to be the game you play while going about […]
Precariously Balancing on the Edge of Game Design
Inspired by the discussion in one of my recent posts, I was surprised to hear that there are advocates AGAINST balance. The discussion was about RPGs, which have their own caveats as far as game design goes (which are crucial to the argument about why some feel it’s not important), but let’s start by talking […]
In the Grim Darkness of the Far Future there is Only Kawaii
A result of the new edition? Nope, just a heavy duty conversion and paint job that probably no one at GW expected. Hello Kitty Sisters of Battle! (via the Directory of Wonderful Things) Edit: Forgot I had this from long ago:
Warhammer 40k: 5th Edition Preview
It appears that Games Workshop’s futuristic tabletop miniatures game is due for a new edition sometime this year, likely in the fall. Thanks to Warseer and The Bolter and Chainsword for this information. As with the release of 4th edition, all existing codexes will remain valid, and new codexes that are more ‘in line’ with […]
Review: The Classic Dungeon
The Big Picture: The Classic Dungeon is a board game with a simple premise: venture into a dungeon, kill the monsters, take their treasure, and escape. The game is based on a D&D style fantasy theme, and the players take the role of adventurers. But unlike in D&D, where the adventurers work together, in this […]
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