Our rather appropriate presidential poll has now closed, and it looks like we’re all doomed! I myself was almost swayed by the logical tagline, “Why settle for the lesser of two evils?” I held out, but most of you just couldn’t resist the Elder Sign ticket coming in with the small win at 31%. Not […]
And also, the end of the D&D Miniatures game
As Graham points out, Scott Rouse (brand manager for D&D) made a post on Wizards yesterday that explains the changes. To me, the most important part of the whole thing is: November’s release of Demonweb will be the last new set that includes skirmish statistics… official sanctioning of D&D Miniatures skirmish events will cease right after D&D Experience in February. I […]
YouTube of the Week: Let me tell you about my dire shark game Edition
Hey, this board game that the esteemed Tom Vasel reviews here sounds pretty good, and it’s about a shark the size of a person chasing and biting limbs. How’s that for a coincidence that this game would have a video review posted during Dire Shark Week?
Interview: Randall Bills from Catalyst Game Labs, Publisher of Classic Battletech
As Dave and I roamed around the exhibition hall at GenCon 2008, we had some interview set up but we also took it upon ourselves to do a few interviews and talk to a few developers about games that we really like. For me, one of the first games / booths I gravitated towards was […]
GenCon 2008 Coverage
Bartoneus and myself are at GenCon 2008 in Indianapolis. This post will collect all of our coverage of the event, updated with new links whenever content is posted. GenCon Twitter Feed GenCon Photos Ennie Award Winners and Pictures Preview: D&D Insider Interview: James Wyatt (podcast) Interview: Scott Rouse, Mike Mearls, and Randy Buehler of Wizards […]
Critical Hits Prepares for GenCon
Expect posting to be light for the next week or so as Bartoneus and myself prepare for the oncoming train game con that is GenCon. We’ve purposely left a lot of our schedule open so that we can cover the con and get into pick-up games that look interesting. We have scheduled just a few […]
Some Pleasant Overlap
I’ve noticed lately that there seem to be two groups of people who really enjoy 4e, and who are coming back to it after years of not playing D&D: WoW Players Eurogamers Now, I think I’ve shied away from pointing this out because early on, these were used as derogatory statements against 4e. (I still […]
Report Card: Space Marine Units (Part 3)
And now for the third and final installment of my analysis of every unit in Codex: Space Marines. The first part contains the overview and my grades for HQ, Troops and Transports. The second part contains my grades for Elites and Fast Attack. This final part contains my grades for Heavy Support and Ultramarines Special […]
Stop Having Fun: My Game is Better than your Game
Spinning out of Chatty’s discussion on the “Tyranny of Fun“, we see that what a lot of the argument boils down to is that people have different playstyles and tastes, and different games meet those playstyles and tastes. However, many of the “Edition Warriors” out there attempt to frame it as a matter of one […]
Report Card: Space Marine Units (Part 2)
This is part 2 of my examination into the units in the 4th edition Codex Space Marines. This part features the Elites and Fast Attack sections of the force organization chart. For the overview of what all of this means, see the original article. Therein you will find my analysis of the HQ, Troops and […]
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