I personally would like to see every last one of the Presidents of the United States in a fighting game, their legacy distilled into a couple of special attacks.
YouTube Tuesday: Squiggle Piece Edition
How are the blocks chosen in Tetris? If you said some kind of random generation, you’re wrong. Next time you play, make sure you pray to the God of Tetris.
YouTube Tuesday: Qui-Gon Gin Edition
OK, taking on Star Wars: Episode 1 is like killing trade droids with a lightsaber: no challenge at all. What is a challenge is doing a 70 minute complete deconstruction of the movie, completely eviscerating it from both a critical and emotional standpoint, and making it completely hilarious in the process. Plus, there’s random digressions, a completely bizarre narrator, and a startling basement scene that you won’t see in an Ebert review. Well worth watching: the first part embedded here, the other 6 parts linked after the jump.
YouTube Tuesday: Dago-Booyah Edition
Extreme tourism enthusiasts should go to the Dagobah system.
YouTube Tuesday: Let Me Throw! Edition
Not especially related to games, but I just can’t stop watching The Muppets do Bohemian Rhapsody, and thus needed to share.
YouTube Tuesday: Gray Pill or Grayer Pill Edition
A Russian-made, silent-film version of The Matrix starring Charlie Chaplin.
Are You Watching Venture Brothers Yet?
About three weeks after the 3rd season of The Venture Brothers started, I wrote about it to make sure that anyone who hadn’t heard of it by then knew to check it out. Now it is three weeks into the 4th season and I’m following up. Seriously, are you watching it yet?
YouTube Tuesday: Obi-Wan Uncensored Edition
NSFW language. Real quick but great.
YouTube Tuesday: Side Effects May Vary By Cultist Edition
If you have that impalpable sense of dread, this commercial is for you. (Thanks Dark Young).
Product Tie-in Video Games 101: A Lesson in Love and Paychecks
Today we’re going to be discussing one of the biggest money makers for video game studios; Product Tie-ins. They are something that we’ve been accustomed to in video games, and all can form a general consensus when we hear their name said. From E.T. to Chronicles of Riddick, video games based on movies have been around for most of your brief gaming lives. When did they start? Were they always bland and overpriced?
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