As the father of a 2 year old, it’s interesting for me having my son approach the age where I started remembering stuff. I remember bits and pieces of the tail end of being 2. I had my first stuffed animal friend, a bear named Fluffy. My son hasn’t latched on to any toy in particular as a buddy yet, nor really given any of his toys any anthropomorphic qualities. I’m curious to see when he starts, and what personalities he starts assigning. I used to name almost every toy I owned, and I can remember sleeping with my bed filled to capacity with little plastic toys so that they didn’t feel left out. I can definitely appreciate caring for the feelings of others, but in retrospect I think perhaps feeling empathy toward a Grimace comb obtained from a Happy Meal might have been a bit much.
The Power Of The Music Of The Nerd
Geeks have become more “mainstream” in recent years, and carved their own niche into several facets of our culture. To this writer, music seems strangely absent from this trend – or is it? Does our culture sing as one? Will we ever play the piano again?
One of the hottest new games out on the web today is Evony. I need not go into how it is amazing. It pretty much speaks volumes about itself. Truthfully, I’m not really sure why anyone would play anything but Evony. Just in case you have not ascended to the next level of gaming, I bring to you several ways you can bring a little of the light and goodness that is Evony to your D&D game until you decide to catch up with the rest of humanity.
Cheeseburger, Plain
Back in my day, you had to turn in government stamps just to play a game of pong! We used to have to steal ram chips just to remember where we lived! My daddy worked on the parallel port, and worked 256 shifts manufacturing computer metaphors! And all you damn kids want is more explosions. I’ll have none of it!
Review: SmallWorld
SmallWorld – strategy game or prophetic doom-simulator for the day Flying Goblins take over the Earth? Find out why you need to play this game immediately OR RISK EVERYTHING.
Night’s The Only Time Of Day
What goes on in a geek’s mind as it slumbers? Vanir offers a peek into the abyss. Read on, if you dare – and share with the hive-mind.
Six Months To Four Days
Gen Con is six months away, but event registration draws near. Read on to discover almost no information of value whatsoever about Gen Con 2010. But be warned! That one tiny info-morsel could save your life.
Review: Heavy Rain
The Origami Killer has struck again, and the clock is ticking! Read on to find out if Heavy Rain lives up to the hype, how it almost gave me a panic attack, and why you definitely should give this game a look.
The Passion Of The Jesus Phone
In which Apple’s capricious and callous handling of their app store finally makes one programmer hulk out and smash. I’m the ever-lovin brown-eyed Vanir-thing. My skin is comprised not of rocks, but of Chicken McNuggets.
Olympic Confessions
For me, the Olympics have always had a different kind of special significance. For whatever reason, the Olympics get me to give a crap about sports, if only for a couple weeks.
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