Fellow gamers, we need to take a stand. We face nothing less than green, leafy Sauron. Instead of fear and eternal darkness, he now uses the power of Moore’s Law and the uncanny ability for the modern gamer to look at a beautiful game from two years ago to say “meh”. He sets us against each other when we play Nerd Poker or when we rules-lawyer, fighting endlessly over minutiae. We are distracted from the real threat. IMPORTANT READING FOR ALL CHILDREN OF MAN.
Review: “Dragon Age: Awakening”
Though the Archdemon lies defeated, the darkspawn are still loitering all over Amaranthine. Like TEENAGERS. Do you have the courage to remove them from your lawn?
Mysteries Of The Unknown, Volume XVI: Unhappy Fanboys
Like many of you, I spent my Sunday evening in front of my TV, looking for some closure after six years of Lost. Like many of you, I had my theories as to what in the hell was going on, and I’d heard from several sources that the end of this great show wouldn’t disappoint. It was enough for some, but I say we were owed more.
Review: “Mega Man 10”
Though generally well-received, many considered Mega Man 9 to be too difficult and frustrating. A year and a lot of customer feedback later, the next installment in the series aims to bring the 8-bit happiness to a wider audience. Did they succeed without watering down the game too much?
You’re Not Just Good, You’re Golden
For the life of me, I never have fully understood the human compulsion to fill out forms containing their personal data on a computer. If I walked up to a random person on the street with a form asking for their personal data, they’d probably think I was up to something unsavory (like signing them up for a credit card), and tell me to shove off. You put the same person on Facebook, and it wouldn’t surprise me if at least a good portion of their extended profile information is filled in. What benefit does this give anyone but Facebook and their demographic-engine? You know, aside from thoughtfully tailored ads for the user’s pleasure.
The KFC Double Down – The End of Humanity
Do you smell that? Do you enjoy the aroma? The succulent scent of YOUR DOOM? It’s too late now, but the very least you can do is find out what’s coming. The irony: nothing will eat YOU. Quite the contrary, actually. It matters not if you choose grilled or fried. Your fate is sealed.
Cleanings of Spring Dawning
This past week, my wife and I have been going through the house getting rid of old stuff. She enjoys freeing up space and seeing the house clean. I enjoy looking at my old stuff, reliving all the good times we had together, and almost weeping when I throw any of it away. And that’s not even talking about my boxes of AD&D 1E books from high school. SAVE VS PETRIFICATION.
Review: Dragon Age: Origins – Return To Ostagar DLC
Dragon Age fans! Go back to where it all started! See dead people! Find stuff. If you’re me, be disappointed. Should you buy this? Read on for my recommendation. (Hint: NO.)
Save vs. Misogyny: An Open Letter To Gen Con’s Event Organizers
See that ball and chain? That’s how Gen Con is portraying our wives and girlfriends in their event registration system. Activating rant mode.
Review: “God of War III”
God of War III is big, beautiful, and ultra-violent. But does it live up to the hype? To find out, you must visit the Oracle at Delphi! (Or, you can just click the link if you don’t have that kind of time.)
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