“Of Dice And Men” is a play about a D&D group and what happens to it when one of their members gets deployed to Iraq. It’s about why gaming is important – the friendships and relationships you make. It’s premiering at PAX PRIME on September 3. We think you might find this of interest. And that’s an understatement.
Not Without My Beholder: A Mother’s Tale
I’ve spent the majority of my blogging career trying to figure out how to roleplay better. To get them emotionally invested in their characters. To make them feel and act as their character might. To dance into the danger zone where the dancer becomes the dance. I believe I have finally discovered the secret to doing so: The Lifetime Movie Network. All the positive karma the Gen Con Ball & Chain fiasco got me cries out for balance.
ALSO: Video of Roleplaying for the Severely Disturbed with StupidRanger.com from Gen Con!
The Lord of Troma
This week, I had the pleasure of speaking with Lloyd Kaufman, President and co-founder of Troma entertainment and creator of the Toxic Avenger. I had a lot of nerves going into this – I’ve been a big Troma fan since I was 13 and used to spend every Friday and Saturday night watching horror movies on USA Up All Night. Read on to discover the true meaning of Troma, what the Lord of Troma thinks about Inception, and Justin Bieber’s role in all this. No, really.
In Defense of Funny
I hear a lot of people talk about how they don’t care for humor in their D&D campaigns. That’s my favorite part! Find out a couple ways to introduce some levity into your game without annoying the crap out of everyone else. Or just annoy the crap out of everyone else. I don’t care. It’s not MY game.
Just A Geek (And Forty Thousand Other Geeks)
Wil Wheaton and I were both at Gen Con this year. Mysteriously, his deeds were somewhat more celebrated. Read on for the epic account of my dealings with the Wheaton and his eventual defeat at my hands! (Note: I defeat him with a secret technique involving my low CHA score. Also, he may not be aware of his defeat, or that we battled. But we totally did. Epically.)
Official Guide to Stalking Vanir at Gen Con, 2010 Edition
It’s the most wonderful time of the year once again. No, not Christmas. The Four Days of Gaming, aka RPG Chanukah, aka Nerd Kwanzaa, but known to most muggles simply as Gen Con. I’m particularly excited to make my yearly trek to Indianapolis this year, as I’ve made lots of new friends (and am ecstatic […]
Dear Roger Ebert
I’ve always admired Roger Ebert. Though I disagree with his assertion that videogames can’t be art, I still deeply respect his opinion. As long as he finds out for sure, that is.
Lost Words of Power
Behold! The lost knowledge of the ages. Words of power! Words randomly pulled from the air and assigned meaning as if by magic!
Nine To Five
Are you bored with adventure? Get a new career in magical welding in just 7 months! Use your lockpicking skills as a fantasy dental hygienist! Call now!
Fear and Loathing in the Forgotten Realms
Fear effects have always been tricky to roleplay, especially with players who maintain that their PC is not afraid of anything. Read on to find out how I’ve tricked my own issues with anxiety into teaching me about how to roleplay when my character is scared out of his mind.
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