I played 30 games for the occasion of turning 30. Here they all are.
Redesigning the Epic Tier
Both Sly Flourish and I have talked a lot lately about the issues we’ve run into at epic levels in D&D. While there are certainly rules issues, I believe fixing them all would take up a lot more than single column. However, I do have some ideas on alternate ways to restructure how the campaign […]
Review and Giveway: Dungeon Mapp for iPad
Dungeon Mapp (iTunes link) fills in a missing piece of that equation for those who play RPGs on a grid, most notably the past few editions of Dungeons & Dragons and its spinoffs. Dungeon Mapp is an app for the iPad that lets a DM build dungeon maps (or wilderness, or several other terrain types), as well as populating the maps with extra features. You can then use it to entirely run your combats from within the app, placing party members, monsters, and managing initiative all from within the program.
Critical Hits Podcast #32: Mike Shea and Dave Chalker on Epic Tier Play
Mike Shea and Dave Chalker talk about running epic tier games in D&D 4e.
6 Years of Critical Hits: More Than Editions of D&D
This is the year that blogging suffered a bit, but for a pretty good reason: we were actually game designing. For money, even! Also, we won some awards, so that’s pretty cool. And we had more dirty search terms. You’ll see.
D&D Ninjas Have Arrived
Today, my first Dragon magazine article was published: “Class Acts Assassin: Secrets of the Ninja.” This article, as part of the Kara-Tur theme of this month, brings PC ninjas back into D&D as a build of the Executioner Assassin introduced in Heroes of Shadow.
The Future of D&D Might Be Its Past
Monte Cook has been brought aboard to work on D&D to make “D&D the greatest RPG the world has seen.” Some may point to it just signaling a new edition, but I have another idea…
White Wolf Grand Masquerade 2011
The annual White Wolf Grand Masquerade convention in New Orleans just wrapped up over the weekend. As with other conventions for fans of a particular RPG company, there are panels, announcements, exclusives, and gaming. Unlike most other company cons though, there is much partying and pagentry to be had, especially given the New Orleans backdrop.
One Late Gen Con Report
Yes, it’s been a few weeks now since the convention ended. Between some post-Gen Con business and a bit of con crud in the house, it’s been difficult to get back to the blog. But at long last, How I Spent My Gen Con.
DD&D 2011 Wrap-Up
It’s now been over a week since we ran the 4th annual Drinking Dungeons & Dragons event for folks we know at Gen Con. Our small, single game in a hotel room turned into a room-filling (and food and drink minimum-fulfilling) event with four tables, and including all the attendees of our pre-party and audience, had over 50 gamers talking games and having drinks. The event was talked about the rest of the weekend, and apparently spawned many, many tweets during the game (which I missed due to running and hosting) so I’m happy to call it a success.
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