Here’s a few articles that I’ve been reading over the past few weeks that I highly recommend for any of you in the field of thinking about games or even just those with an interest in games.
Who You Calling Heavy?
Over on Boardgamegeek, you’ll see plenty of references to weight. And I’m not talking about the size of the players. Games tend to be divided in a spectrum from Light to Heavy among the BGG ratings. Something like Coloretto, or the great Loopin’ Louie is in the light category. Light-Medium includes such favorites as Ticket […]
Review: "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay"
Title: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay Author: Michael Chabon Year of Publication: 2000 Genre: Fiction Length: 656 Rating: 4/5 – Worth paying full price. I was first clued in to the existence of “The Escapist” via a limited comic series written by Brian K. Vaughn. The story was good, but I knew I […]
YouTube of the Week: Shameless Self-Promotion Edition
Just because I can, here’s the movie I worked on for the 48 Hour Film Project, directed by the lovely and talented Melinda Rainsberger. Next week: the best YouTubes of the Year.
YouTube of the Week: Dun Dun Dunnnn Edition
Just because I think it’s awesome, here’s the “Dramatic Chipmunk” (even though it’s really a prarie dog) video, and two of my favorite remixes.
Inq. of the Week: Comic Con
Last week, we asked what you thought of a certain Boy Wizard, now that his tale has found an end. Edging out first place at the last minute are those of you who are so-so on both the books and movies. Second place were the superfans, which is pretty impressive. Over the weekend, Comic Con […]
Hidden Trackable
As often happens, I found myself involved in a minor argument online. This is one of those arguments that can’t entirely chalked up to different tastes. “Hidden Trackable” refers to any element of the game that could be tracked by a player with a perfect memory (or pencil and paper) but is supposed to be […]
Simpsonize Your Life
As expected, the hype-machine for The Simpsons Movie is out in full force. The Simpsons are a television institution, containing around 10 seasons of the best stuff ever to be on television. However, there’s plenty of people (including myself) who are skeptical of the movie’s quality due to the lack of quality on the show […]
YouTube of the Week: The Real HP Epilogue Edition
Welcome Back, Potter. Keep an eye out for a special appearance by the guy who played Jar-Jar.
Inq. of the Week: Boy Wizard?
Last week, we asked who your favorite comic publisher was. Just barely inching it out at the end was Marvel Comics (who really are doing some great stuff nowadays) over top the other of the big two, DC. I’m very surprised to see other indie publishers come in third. I’d like to get more into […]
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