Yehuda has posted the newest Game Carnival, which includes two of my Critical Threat articles. It also contains a number of other articles about games, from a few theory articles to some video game reviews. I haven’t gone through all of them yet, but already I’m digging an article by Corvus that I missed when […]
Doritos Contest: Total Joke
Wired has a funny article up about the winners of a recent contest sponsored by Doritos to pitch games for Xbox Live Arcade. The kind of games selected are hilarious by themselves, but the article goes the extra distance of mocking them. A friend of mine entered a few ideas into the contest, mistaking it […]
YouTube of the Week: 4dventure!
The “teaser” shown at GenCon about the different editions of D&D.
Inquisition of the Week: D&D 4e Reaction
Last week, we presented the nominations for Best YouTube of the Year, and had you select your favorites. And the winner is… COLLEGE SAGA! Congratulations to Mark Leung for creating such an awesome video and sharing it with the world. Second place went to the hilarious and oft-quoted 300 Rated PG. To those of you […]
Review: "The Kill Point" Episodes 1-3
The Kill Point is a miniseries airing on Spike TV. The following is a review of the first 3 episodes based on a review copy we were sent.
The Case for Fourth Edition
Wizards of the Coast has gone and done it. They’ve announced that Dungeons & Dragons Fourth Edition will be released mid-year 2008. And I’m totally pumped. Marketing and digital stuff aside, looking through what the announcements are consisting of, it’s clear to me that Wizards is concerned about game design. And not just about fixing […]
Comics Snap Reviews 8-17-7
Be warned of possible spoilers! Also, new graphics courtesy of Bartoneus!
BREAKING NEWS: D&D 4th Edition Announced at GenCon
Thanks to Ogrecave for putting this in my RSS feed- there’s a full blown press release officially dating D&D 4th Edition for May of 2008. Like the 3.0 release, the PHB will be released first, with the DMG a month later, and the MM a month after that. MerricB over at ENWorld has been collecting […]
The Chris Ferguson Challenge
More and more of the poker players I hang out with are taking on the Chris Ferguson Challenge. Chris “Jesus” Ferguson is a world champion poker player, having won five World Series of Poker bracelets and one WSOP Main Event title. He’s known for having a very mathematical style of play, that probably comes from […]
Inquisition of the Week: YouTube Tuesday
Last week, with vacation on the brain, Bartoneus asked how you like to spend your vacation time. Most of you said that you would hibernate, which I suppose is cheaper than all the other options, unless you mean actually go somewhere to hibernate. Second place went to those of you who love roller coasters and […]
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