A collection of real life technology videos I’ve enjoyed lately. The first, the robot Keepon dances to the Spoon song “Don’t You Evah.”
Inq. of the Week: Science Fiction/Fantasy Fall Shows
Will the Playstation 3 make a come back? Survey says… no. The 360 and the Wii seem to have no sign of slowing down, and the PS3 is just too far behind to make a come back. Sony is still a big company with plenty of capital behind it, so I’d be surprised if the […]
It's a ::roll:: pleasure to meet you
Between doing work on the Real Ultimate Showdown and the newfound pressures of grad school, my regular columns have fallen by the wayside. It’s a shame because we’ve been getting an influx of new readers lately, between all the great RPG blogs that seem to be springing up (check out our featured sites for a […]
Real Ultimate Showdown Round 1
[This round is over, go vote in the FINAL ROUND] Many a rivalry is legendary. Pirates vs. Ninjas. Robots vs. Zombies. Werewolves vs. Unicorns. But which one of these groups is truly best? joshx0rfz and I were talking about how the Muse video that was posted yesterday was all kinds of awesomeness, and discussed what […]
"It's like… has anyone seen that movie Tron?"
I’m not sure what else I can say about this, other than at least it’s not a remake. Maybe they’ll get the cast of Babylon 5 in it again!
YouTube of the Week: One Meme to Rule Them All
A catchy song and video that summarizes most of the major web memes. Be like me and count how many you recognize, then feel bad about how you’re spending your life.
Launch Veritech Fighters!
With Transformers already out and Voltron being fast-tracked, is that the end of movie remakes of 80’s tv shows about giant robots? No, of course not: not while Robotech lies untapped. In a few years, we’ll see a Hollywood version of the classic anime turned American tv show turned book series turned RPG (or whatever […]
Look out Drizzt…
I predict there being a new expensive rare hitting the Dungeons & Dragons miniatures market. In the latest “Previews” column on Wizard’s site, they showcase the number one most requested mini for D&D: a Gelatinous Cube. Further clarification by one of the D&D designers, Scott Rouse, says: “I don’t think the picture does it justice. […]
Two Great Tastes Together
Ogrecave points us to The Supercrew, a role-playing game about playing yourself but with superpowers. While there are many superhero RPGs, this is the first that we know of to be done entirely as a comic strip. The preview’s narrative style even has something of an Understanding Comics vibe to it, though the art is […]
It was bound to happen: a thread has started on ENWorld with D&D-style LOLcats. (And for those of you unfamiliar with LOLcats, you can go to the source. For those of you unfamiliar with D&D, I can help with that too.)
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