Remember that guy who did the Samus vs. Spartan video? Well, he did another one, pitting Final Fantasy against Dead or Alive. It’s truly amazing, not just in the animation but in the fight choreography. Somebody hire this guy to make every new action movie!
Real Ultimate Showdown FINAL ROUND
So it has come to this at last. 32 entered, and after this round, only one will leave, proving once and for all who the coolest group out there. The road had been long to reach the final round. There were many surprise upsets along the way- some big favorites were knocked out early. We […]
About time!
Sonic will be a playable character in Smash Bros. Brawl for Wii. He joins Snake as a non-Nintendo IP brawler. Will we see any other surprises in the character list? Who would you like to see?
YouTube of the Week: Exterminate the Flab Edition
A Dalek workout video. Not sure why I think this is so funny, except I always find the Dalek voices hilarious.
"Did everything just taste white for a minute?"
Working on an upgrade. Please stand by. Upgrade complete. Let me know if anything breaks.
Critical Hits is Two!
Though the exact date of our start is undetermined- we were posting under a different name and address before we bought Critical Hits- today is a good enough time to celebrate us finishing our second year of posting, and entering our third! We did a little bit of reminiscing on our “One Year Later” post […]
Real Ultimate Showdown Round 4
[This round is over, go vote in the FINAL ROUND] The final four combatants… or is that the fatal four? The fighting grows more intense in this penultimate round of the Real Ultimate Showdown. Venture on to vote for WHO YOU WANT TO WIN in both match ups to determine who will advance the final […]
YouTube of the Week: No Rolling Required Edition
Just a neat dice stacking video, of which there are many on YouTube. This particular one recommended by Boingboing.
Sadly missing the Brotherhood of Dada
Comics Should Be Good’s Top 50 DC and Top 50 Marvel characters list is up at last, the summation of over 500 entrant’s top 10 lists among each publisher. My man Green Arrow made it in at #7, and The Question made it in at #13. And as is no surprise, my #1 Marvel character […]
Inq. of the Week: Classic Game Trilogies
So, how about that Halo 3, huh?… ::crickets:: Over 80% of you don’t own an Xbox 360, and won’t be picking one up to see what happens to the intrepid Master Chief and his supply of Mountain Dew. (No wonder Super-Soldiers were eliminated right away in the Real Ultimate Showdown.) At least 3 of you […]
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