Transformers! More than meets the eye. Transformers! Better than expected but still meh. Many of you felt it was pretty damn good too, so that sounds like a success overall. I watched it the night after the poll was posted, and found many, many flaws but was quite impressed by Shia LeBeouf. I can see […]
Negotiation and Wacky Futures
Nearly every multi-player game has some aspect of negotiation, whether overt or implied. Many games boil down to “attack the leader” which is a form of negotiation. You give up something- your turn- to gain something in return. This is the essence of negotiating. However, some people object to these kinds of negotiations, and in […]
Real Ultimate Showdown: News Updates and Sponsors
We’re preparing for our next Showdown. And this time, it’s going to be a smackdown between various hero-types. Who’s the most badass hero of them all? We’ll find out. This next round will be run a bit differently than the last, allowing more people to pick, and more chances for prizes until the very end. […]
"Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor… and an asskicker"
Bartoneus, Sucilaria, and I all got to talking before the D&D game last Saturday about the new Star Trek movie. There’s some good choices, and some surprises too. Empire Online has a side by side comparison of the old actors and the new, and asks you to vote if the casting is good or not. […]
YouTube of the Week: Brains! Edition
A parody of the viral “Shoes” video about female zombies eating brains. Caught it at Ginohn‘s yesterday.
Facts about 4e D&D
In order to control the rumors swirling around Dungeons & Dragons Fourth Edition, I have used my prodigious game design abilities and prognosticating statisticians in order to generate a full manuscript of the upcoming core books. Here, for the first time anywhere, are all the facts you need to know about the new Dungeons & […]
Real Ultimate Showdown: Dragons Win!
All the votes are in, and Dragons are the winner! Congratulations to Snowpaws, who wins a $10 Amazon gift certificate in our first ever contest!
YouTube of the Week: Sorta Lightsabers Edition
Not entirely sure why this is called “Star Wars vs. Star Trek” but it looks cool all the same. Also: light robots and ninjas. Thanks Ginohn for showing it to me.
Inq. of the Week: Famous Dragons
Of course, the original Nintendo Entertainment System rules the day as most owned console, and indeed, the greatest. Playstation 2 came in second, with third being the original Playstation, and the Super Nintendo close behind. At the bottom end, nobody owned a Neo Geo (and you thought the PS3 was expensive.) Only one person admitted […]
Comic Snap Reviews: SPX 07
On Friday, the lovely Melinda and I visited the Small Press Expo in Bethesda, MD (though it was essentially in Rockville.) The Small Press Expo, or SPX for short, st what I can only describe as one of the big indie comics conventions. The convention mostly consists of a large exhibit hall, where various comic […]
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