Does Blizzard know their audience or what? Two great WoW ads featuring Mr. T and William Shatner.
"Upgraded"… and Again
Something weird happened when our hosting company upgraded something on the back end. Hopefully it’s completely dealt with now, and sorry for the downtime! Edit: I suppose I jinxed it since we went down for another 2 days after I said that. And considering there are still some behind the scenes things not working, it […]
The Perfect Game
I was talking to a fellow designer a few weeks back, and we were discussing the designing a game for a specific audience. While we both agreed that it’s very important when marketing to someone, he didn’t think it was as important when designing. I felt that in any kind of creative design, it’s important […]
Critical Hits Gift Guide 2007
Starting next week, we’ll start putting our annual gift guide up. The categories will be different than last year, since most of what we covered last year hasn’t really changed. I also highly recommend checking them out again: DVD’s (one of the most comprehensive articles I’ve ever written) T-Shirts Games Everything Else If you have […]
Bonus YouTube: Watchmen Babies- V for Vacation
Until Fox pulls it from YouTube, here’s the appearance of Alan Moore, Art Spiegelman, and Dan Clowes on The Simpsons. Edit- they pulled it! You can watch the episode over at Fox’s site if you’re willing to install their movie plugin, reboot, then view it again. Boo on Fox… let us watch our clips on […]
YouTube of the Week: Konami Code Activate Edition
Hey, those guys who did that awesome Punch-Out trailer also did a trailer for Contra! They even decided to toss in a few other action movie references to round it out. Here’s hoping River City Ransom is next for Team Awesome!
"You've made me so happy! We could really use a healer!"
The dangers of playing WoW. (thanks, Amber!)
Inq. of the Week: Best. Game. Ever.
I’ve decided to let last week’s poll on what kind of games you play run for another week to try to get a few more responses in. It’s great to see that everybody that comes here plays some kind of games, and there are many (like myself and Wooglin) that play everything! “We do not […]
Street Fighter: The Later Years
I don’t even remember now how I came into the site, but somehow I wandered over to the College Humor video section, and found that they’ve started a series of short movies called “Street Fighter: The Later Years.” It’s quite funny and there are even a few twists and turns (and just enough special effects […]
YouTube of the Week: Racing Boxes, Tables, and Chairs Edition
A stop-motion, live-action homage to the Mario Kart games. My favorite part is how they make the invincible star effect- you just gotta see it. Also a guest appearance by a 40k army!
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