Hello, and welcome again to the Critical Hits gift guide! Each year, we’ve taken a different tack for making recommendations. This year, due to some regrettable server downtimes, we’re compressing our recommendations. So first comes the most important category, games! Herein contain the best games that came out since the last holiday that make great […]
A million grognards crying out at once
Wizards released the cover designs for a number of D&D4e books. Mostly I thought they looked pretty good, with some nice touches here and there. Then I saw this:
YouTube of the Week: Which Superhero Would You Rather Have? Edition
A “real” one or… A real one.
"A Memory of Light" Author Chosen
Brandon Sanderson, author of the Mistborn series, has been chosen to finish the Wheel of Time series from Robert Jordan’s notes. I have not read any of Mistborn, so any comments on it would be welcome. I certainly don’t envy Mr. Sanderson, but I’m glad that someone is going to step in and finish the […]
Inq. of the Week: Pirates Ahoy
As expected, To Hit Armor Class 0 is the best nerd rockband name ever as has been proven conclusively, and I didn’t even have to cheat. On our worldwide tour, Rock Into Mordor can open for us for coming in a respectable second. Various other band names (both real and imagined) all came in with […]
Armor Check Penalty Applies for Fetch
Armor for Dogs (and other animals) is apparently available. It comes in both light and heavy armor, in case your dog is supposed to be a rogue or a fighter respectively. (thanks, joshx0rfz)
Many, many apologies
I am really, really sorry for the downtime lately. I wish I could promise that it’s done with, but I can’t make that promise. So here’s hoping that was the last of it, and we can get back on schedule!
Tiers of an Online Video Game Reviewer
While some of us have been rolling dice and rocking out, the video game blogosphere has gotten to erupt with a scandal that has many taking a critical look at the state of online video game journalism. In brief, a GameSpot editor was fired. The tipping point seemed to be that he rated a certain […]
YouTube of the Week: Cake Not Included Edition
Ever wonder what Portal would be like as a multiplayer kill-fest with stick figures? Wonder no more!
Rock Band First Impressions: The Good, the Bad, and the Clash
After sending DrScotto questing all around Maryland in search of Rock Band last Sunday, he arrived with the large box in tow and laid it at our feet to dig through many boxes, baggies, and instructions. Him, The O, my little brother, and myself rocked out for a few hours that night, each taking a […]
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