I’ve decided to switch over to Gravatars, since the SexyComments plugin that I use makes it easy. I initially used it with MyBlogLog avatars, but ever since they were bought out, it seems to have gone totally fubar. I know a couple of you have signed up for accounts with MBL to use avatars, and […]
Happy Life Day!
Happy Life Day from everyone at Critical Hits! We promise we won’t sing! (thanks to Andy Looney for the idea and RiffTRAX for helping me find it!)
Best. YouTube title. Ever. Found at ENWorld.
Inq. of the Week: 2007 vs. 2008
Last week, we asked if the winter months = more gaming. While most of you don’t change your gaming habits, there were plenty of you who said you game all the much more when there’s snow on the ground, whether it be from more time at home or just the lack of schoolwork. I myself […]
Thanks to Poker, Antigua is New Pirate Haven
In a strange epilogue to the decision by the United States government (pre-midterm changeover) to place limits on funding for online poker, the country of Antigua has won the legal right to ignore US copyrights thanks to the World Trade Organization. From the New York Times: The award follows a W.T.O. ruling that Washington had […]
Portal fans will want to check out the ApertureScience website for a special Holiday-Cam, complete with festive weighted companion cube and, of course, cake. There’s also plenty of fun stuff to be had after logging in (by typing LOGIN at the prompt, then using username: CJOHNSON and password TIER3.) Be sure to APPLY when you’re […]
Quick, Quiet, and Wild
Wizards of the Coast has given 4e anticipaters a holiday present in the form of the entire Elf entry from the Player’s Handbook. (And no, there’s nothing about them building toys.) There’s nothing terribly shocking to those of us who have been following all the 4e previews: there’s no penalty to stats anymore, just bonuses, […]
Critical Hits Gift Guide 2007: The Comics & Everything Else
We’ve covered the games, now here’s everything else that you might buy for the Critical Hitter who’s expecting a little something special this holiday season. We start with the comics, then move into a miscellaneous pile of stuff that we recommend you buy right away!
Toss another Halfling into the endzone!
Spotted this at BGN: next year, expect a PC version of my favorite Games Workshop game Blood Bowl, with an Xbox 360 version to follow later in the year. This is not the first computer version of BB, but it has been a while: the previous one ran on DOS. The article has this to […]
Nasty, filthy, Hobbitses
The story that’s popping up all over almost every blog I’ve read today: New Line has kissed Peter Jackson’s ass enough so that he’ll come back to executive produce The Hobbit and an unnamed sequel to The Hobbit. (My vote is for Hobbit 2: Electric Bugaloo) Jackson, however, is looking unlikely to actually direct the […]
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