Everybody’s favorite Orcish-themed death/thrash metal band, A Band of Orcs, is holding a contest to see who can write the most brutal encounter involving a band of orcs for D&D. Check it out because the deadline is soon- January 21st. Players in my current D&D game will find that this nicely coincides with an encounter […]
Holy Crap: Darth Vader and Yoda in Soul Calibur IV
Kotaku reports that Darth Vader will appear as a special character in Soul Calibur IV for PS3, and Yoda will appear in the Xbox 360 version. Soul Calibur is my favorite fighting game franchise, with a history of strange guest starring characters (Spawn and Link, anyone?) I was ready to give the fourth installment a […]
Review: Freezepop "Future Future Future Perfect"
Freezepop isn’t a household band name, but gamers have a greater chance of recognizing their brand of catchy synthpop. The band has contributed songs to a few video games (most notably for bonus tracks in Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero 2, and Rock Band– one of the members of the band works for Harmonix.) They also […]
Today's 4e Announcement and What It Means For You
Pretty big announcement from WotC, as covered by ENWorld, about the future of the licensing agreement formerly known as the d20 License. Most of it won’t matter to the casual D&D player. But here’s some tidbits that might be important (and keep in mind, everything is subject to change, this is all interpretation): Until 2009, […]
YouTube of the Week: Gonna Set This Straight Edition
Proof that great minds think alike: Conan shows off his Rock Band skills, and his favorite song to sing is the same as mine.
Critical Hits: Now Easier and More Fun
The latest Design & Development article from Wizards tells us most of what we need to know about a subject near and dear to our hearts: Critical Hits. In fourth edition, a natural 20 equals a critical hit, and a critical hit does maximum damage. This fixes the syndrome that I always hated: Roll a […]
YouTube of the Week: Han Shots First Edition
Happy New Year’s! Hope your partying last night didn’t go like this. There are just some things you shouldn’t bring to a party…
Congratulations, Original Sultan!
A hearty round of congratulations from everyone at Critical Hits to guest reviewer and frequent commenter Original Sultan who was married this past weekend. We wish him the best in his life to come (aided by his new magic ring that has many powers and bonuses, I’m sure). As an added bonus, here’s an embarrassing […]
Inquisition of the Week: Best Game of 2007
We’re going to run the poll for another week to see if more people will come forward to defend the honor of 2007. Reverend Mike makes a great point that it might not be as good as we hoped with the Writer’s Strike messing up the movie and tv schedules. I should also point out […]
Game Doctors: Tales of the Arabian Nights
A friend and member of my design group Jacob started a series of articles under the heading of “Game Doctors” to try and fix published games under our watchful eye. There are a few games that we’ve started playing quite often, but being the perfectionist game designers we are, have made a few changes. So […]
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