This week we received our first ever question to the editor from a reader, and he’s looking for some help. Chris is a high-school teacher in New York who is the advisor to the students’ Warhammer club. Chris is an avid D&D player with plenty of minis. The students want to have a big Warhammer […]
Smash Brothers Spoilers!
With Smash Bros. for the Wii being delayed even longer, many of us are drooling with anticipation for the newest entry in Nintendo’s mashed-up fighter franchise. Well, Kotaku has a full set of screen shots that reveal a lot of the missing details, namely a full mostly full character select screen (posted after the jump) […]
YouTube of the Week: (Super)Friends Edition
Inq. of the Week: Blub Blub Blub?
Though they may not be able to survive in-game, Bards received the most votes for being able to survive into the next edition. I voted for them, but I have to say I’m quite surprised. Druids and Monks were right there too, which probably means that all three of these classes have a unique flavor […]
Review: "Races and Classes" / "Worlds and Monsters"
To all the DMs out there: how many of you have ever made a house rule? How many of you have changed some piece of description because you felt it didn’t make sense or didn’t fit with what you needed? Probably all of you. Wizards of the Coast is undertaking a huge experiment in both […]
YouTube of the Week: Are You Still There? Edition
A day in the life a Gun Turret from Portal. The longer it goes on, the funnier it gets.
D&D Miniatures 2.0 Rules Released
Wizards posted them yesterday. Many were hoping that this would preview a lot of 4E combat changes, but that doesn’t appear to be the case. Nonetheless, there were a few changes that stood out to me from the previous version of the DDM rules: No more morale! Previously, a big part of the game was […]
Where does he get those wonderful toys?
Last weekend at my regular D&D game, one of my players asked me “where I get this stuff” while unrolling a copy of the Magma Keep battlemap. For the past few years- actually, ever since the first D&D Miniatures set came out- I’ve been collecting minis and maps to use with D&D. For some reason, […]
YouTube of the Week: SONIC BOOM! Edition
The worst of the USA Cartoon of Street Fighter. I remember watching this when younger, but I’m pretty sure I never thought it was good.
Inq. of the Week: Are you Ready to Rock?
Good triumphant! That’s what last week’s poll about your favorite alignment determined, with a surprising 74 people thus far weighing in. Neutral Good was the top flavor of good, since most of you hero types believe that Good should not care about Law or Chaos. Second up was the champion of individuality and freedom, Chaotic […]
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