Last week, asking about your systems operation, 77% of you responded that you use Windows… somewhere. The Mighty Mac came in second with 29%, and Loquacious Linux running in third with 20%. There was one lone “Other” vote, which I’m hoping was something exciting like a robot running his own Asimov-based operating system who is […]
D&D XP Interview: Andy Collins and Scott Rouse (Part 2)
(be sure to check out part 1 first!) Critical Hits: How did the 4e preview books do? (Worlds and Monsters, Races and Classes) Scott Rouse: They’re a little tough since I don’t think we marketed them right. They’re a great look inside the heads of the designers and developers. We wanted to make it a […]
YouTube of the Week: A Giant Among Us Edition
RIP Gary Gygax
I am completely devastated right now. No sooner did I make the post about GM’s day when I spotted the story on ENWorld. Up until the end he was posting on message boards and talking to his fans. He touched the lives of so many, including my own, and I am so sad right now […]
March Fo(u)rth for GM’s Day!
Just a reminder that today is the official holiday of celebrating GMs! As usual, various publishers are having sales to celebrate (which tends to mean the GM spends more money, not less) but it seems there are fewer sales this year, possibly due to the pre-4e holding pattern. Regardless, either today or the next time […]
First (Level) Impressions: D&D 4e
(To those of you coming in via search: this article was written after the D&D XP convention, which featured only a limited preview of 4e. This is not a comprehensive review of 4e. –ed) With four games under my belt, along with talking to some of the designers and developers at length, I’m ready to […]
D&D XP Interview: Andy Collins and Scott Rouse (Part 1)
(This is the first part of our very long interview with Andy Collins and Scott “The Rouse”. In this installment, we cover how they came to Wizards and what their job entails, along with a few other personal matters.) Critical-Hits: How did you get started at Wizards? Andy Collins: I started about 13 years ago […]
D&D XP: Random Crunchy Bits
Danny and I are back from the D&D XP. I decided not to pay for the flaky hotel wi-fi to be able to do updates from the show floor. We played three games today: the first Living Forgotten Realms adventure,”Escape from Sembia” (which essentially ended in the second encounter as a TPK), press dungeon delve […]
Want to play 4e D&D tonight?
Take the character sheets for the delve PCs, and then have them fight some of these monsters from the Dungeons of Dread D&D Minis expansion.(You’re on your own for putting together the rules from all the previews!) Chillborn Medium Natural Animate (Undead) Level 6 Soldier AC 22, FORT 21, REF 17, WILL 17, HP 48, […]
D&D XP Coverage
Here’s where we’ll post links to the different articles for the D&D XP. Seminar Photo Set on Flickr Dungeon Delve Sheets (Fighter, Wizard, Paladin) Interview with Sara Girard and Rob Heinsoo Interview with Andy Collins and Scott Rouse (Part 1) (Part 2) Preview mini from “Against the Giants” set Stats for some monsters from Dungeons […]
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