I really enjoyed seeing “Be Kind Rewind” a few weeks ago, but I also really enjoy that fans around the world have taken it upon themselves to make sweded movies of their own. Above is the fan-made sweded T2. If you enjoy that, check out the Top 10 Sweded Movies and the Be Kind Rewind […]
Inq. of the Week: All We Want To Do Is Eat Your Brains
Last week’s poll was quite informative and surprising! First, I learned that no one under the age of 16 reads our site, so I can swear more! Hell damn fart! Secondly, the bulk of our audience is between 31 and 40 weighing at 40%, with 20-25 at 24%, 26-30 at 21%, over 41 at 9%, […]
Game Design Exercises
(This is a guest article by Jacob Davenport, designer of Covert Action and owner of Play Again Games. You can read more of his excellent articles about games and game design at his site.) Every designer has to design in his or her own way. For me, game designs don’t spring from nothing, I have […]
Some weekend Portal viewing
Stop-motion Portal Lego video, set to the awesome end song. The CH crew will be spending this weekend playing Xbox (and maybe some Wii and other games as well), so mayhap we’ll get a chance to play some games we haven’t played before, or maybe we’ll just play a lot of Halo 3 and Rock […]
Anime Batman and Other Hidden Comic Movies
By now, most of you are probably aware of all the big superhero movies coming out this summer. However, there are a few other projects that haven’t gotten quite as much attention that I’m interested in. Justice League: New Frontier was released recently, and since I was a huge fan of the original comic, I […]
Paizo’s 3.75
Paizo announced yesterday that they will be sticking with their own re-branded version of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 for their popular (and well made) Pathfinder series. The Pathfinder RPG will serve as the core book, which will update the 3.5 D&D Rules. You can even download the nice-looking Alpha document from Paizo’s site now. After […]
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
RIP, Mr. Clarke. That leaves Ray Bradbury the last surviving Science Fiction grandmaster…
FL1: Panhandle of the Lost
DM: Alright, so tonight’s module is a solo thing, but you’ll meet up with other characters later. What are you playing? Player: I’ve got this Grad Student/Game Designer. Oh, and he just took a level of Web Designer for the extra income score. DM: That’ll come in handy for this one. OK, so: “You’ve been […]
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