A video that tells us what we already know: Bards are annoying. Found via Geek’s Dream Girl.
Devastating, Heartbreaking, Terrible News
Friends, brace yourselves. I did not win the Loopin’ Louie World Championship this year either. In fact, I did not score a single win. (But did manage to rack up an impressive number of second place finishes.) Other than that, I’ve had some neat game design career stuff happen, though no big announcements to make […]
YouTube of the Week: Assassin Revealed Edition
If you’re a fan of Assassin’s Creed or Metal Gear Solid, this one’s for you.
Inq. of the Week: April Fools
Last week, we determined what we already knew: Red Dragons Rule! (And there are many reasons why.) What was surprising was the furious battle for second place. The sleek Silvers edged out the majestic Golds and sinister Blacks. White dragons went a long time without a single vote (maybe because their breath weapon sucks), but […]
Lies, All Lies (and a Mindflayer)
Obviously, I don’t give a crap about Celebrity Gossip and Canadian Politics (as should be evidenced by my difficulty writing about it.) Nor are we filthy rich, especially not as a result of the site. (Though we did get a new advertiser today… coincidence?) In the midst of all the brilliant gags posted by Wizards, […]
A New Direction
Obviously, if Chatty has found a new source of income, we can too. For that reason, we’ve decided to change our coverage a bit here in order to deliver the news that you have been requesting for a long time. Besides, as of today, this industry just isn’t the same. ENWorld now exclusively covers OD&D. […]
YouTube of the Week: Blah Blah Mr. Freeman Edition
Half Life in 60 Seconds. Spoilers, kinda?
Decipher’s “Fight Klub” Tough to Decipher
The company behind the old Star Wars and Star Trek CCGs, which ran into various business issues in the past (that I assumed meant we had seen the last of them) is releasing… something. What is that something? It’s still fairly mysterious, but damn if it isn’t ambitious. Let me see if I can try […]
I’m initiating the upgrade to the new version of WordPress, which is supposed to be a pretty radical change. So prepare for possible weirdness and brokeness. Upgrade complete. I ran into a few snafus (so there are still some things not working) but oddly none of them had to do with upgrading WordPress. The new […]
Design a Bad Game Exercise
(This is a guest article by Stephen Glenn, designer of You Must Be An Idiot! and the Spiel Des Jahres nominated Balloon Cup. Stephen was responding to Jacob’s article about game design exercises, and gave us his own.) I have had game design ideas wake me up in the middle of the night. I’m constantly […]
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