Phil the Chatty DM is holding a contest to get adventure synopses/hooks. The only catch? They have to be exactly 10 words. Yours truly will be helping to judge, so head over there now and give me tons of good stuff to look at! (And steal ideas from!)
The Teardown
Let’s start with an analogy. Let’s say you’ve just written a short story for class in college. You hand it in to your professor, and get a B. There are plenty of editor’s marks on it: spelling, grammar, some minor organizational stuff. Then there are the overall comments, like “doesn’t flow well” or “theme isn’t […]
YouTube of the Week: Betraying Warthog Edition
One of the many Halo 3 videos out there… but can you predict the twist? Suggested by The Foodist.
Inquisition of the Week: Musical Tastes
You have spoken that the Warlord is the class you are most looking forward to in fourth edition! If only there was a way for you to get a significant preview of what the Warlord will be like. Oh wait, there is! The Warlock came in second (either because it’s the other new class, or […]
From the WTF Crossover Department…
Many years after Capcom vs. Marvel, the other side(s) have responded! A Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe game looks to be in development (and has a brief Sub-Zero vs. Batman brawl trailer.) I suppose in video games, ridiculous crossovers will never go out of style, no matter how advanced the graphics are! Who wants to […]
“You’re a disgrace to Tauren culture,” said the shaman Lolhamburger
Normally I don’t link to Penny Arcade, since telling gamers to read Penny Arcade is like telling ninjas to sneak around: it’s just gonna happen anyway. Today’s column is well worth reading and recommending. The results of their “Exactly 10 Words about WoW” contest were posted today. There’s some really good ones in there, both […]
WotC: “That $5k license thing? Just kidding.”
Some new details about the GSL finally posted after a lot of speculation and delay. Sounds like you can be approved to use a “D&D Compatible” logo, and anyone can use a GSL after publication. (And no one is going to have to pay $5k.) This ends the conspiracy theories that Hasbro insisted that they […]
Heroes, Paragons, and Epics
In the run-up to Fourth Edition, WotC has promised that they will be doing updates and previews three times a week. (I promise we won’t post about every single one, just the interesting ones.) Today’s update is a doozy: it’s all about the three tiers of play. It describes, generally, what you can do at […]
Boardgame Reviews: Gathering of Friends 2008
I’m back (but not yet recovered) from the Gathering of Friends, the annual 10 day long boardgaming convention. This year, I mainly focused on playing prototypes, workshopping, and general hanging out. Thus, there wasn’t as much time to try all the new published games that have come out recently. Still, I had a list of […]
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