After stopping by a few stores and calling a few more, it seemed clear to me that I wasn’t going to pick up a copy of Wii Fit. (And that means I won’t be buying it any time soon… sigh.) I was able to find solace by downloading the demo for Penny Arcade Adventures: On […]
Gen Con & Origins are a GO
I have received official word that my press passes for Gen Con and Origins (and one for my assistant at Origins) have been processed. So I shall be at both, barring some catastrophic event (either in me or my car.) I’ll try to do a bit more indepth coverage than I have in previous years, […]
YouTube of the Week: Actione! Velocita! Goblin! Edition
Italian Spiderman. Every place I’ve seen it have said that the “full film” is being released May 22. I have no idea what it is going to be, but hey, the trailer’s funny!
Inq. of the Week: Fantasy Influences
Last week, we wanted to know which side of the screen you preferred to be on. 54% are multiclassed player/GMs and enjoy both. Players-only was next with 25%, and 19% were power-hungry I mean GM only. Only 1 of you responded that you don’t play, which I suppose means we know our audience! Spinning out […]
In the Grim Darkness of the Far Future there is Only Kawaii
A result of the new edition? Nope, just a heavy duty conversion and paint job that probably no one at GW expected. Hello Kitty Sisters of Battle! (via the Directory of Wonderful Things) Edit: Forgot I had this from long ago:
So what IS D&D anyway?
An interesting meme has seemed to pop up among those who dislike where D&D 4e headed. It’s one simple declaration: This is not D&D. I’ve touched on this idea before: in many people’s minds, there’s one definition of what a product/line IS. Whether this is determined by the original creator, the fans, or whomever happens […]
Win a 4e book just by domain name
Bob at dndreviews is having a bit of an identity crisis. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, he’s going to reward a talented domain-namer with a 4e book. (Gotta love contest season leading up to a new edition.) Head over to the contest page for all the details and specifics. It’s quite simple: you pick a […]
“Guitar Hero IV” will feature a Band… of Rock…
Rumored for a few weeks now, it seems that confirmation has come out that the next real installment of the Guitar Hero franchise (skipping over certain spin-off products) will feature a drum set to augment your Guitar and Bass rocking. Sound a bit familiar? Activizzard says that their drum set will be totally bitching, and […]
YouTube of the Week: Lost an Evil Floating Head Edition
No real connection to gaming… I just thought it was hilarious. Found at the Directory of Wonderful Things.
Review: “Piratz Tavern” in Silver Spring, MD
Yesterday, for mother’s day, my mom had only one request for the traditional dinner: she wanted to go to the Piratz Tavern, a pirate-themed restaurant in downtown Silver Spring. Scratch that, she had two requests: she wanted her family to dress as ninjas and go there. The compromise was made that we would wear all-black, […]
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