So, Wizards got Gabe and Tycho from Penny Arcade and Scott Kurtz from PvP to sit down at a table to play 4th edition. Gabe announces it on the Penny Arcade news for today, and gives it a generally positive impression. The best part though? They recorded the whole thing for a podcast. (And added […]
Going all Wiki on Game Design
The friendly neighborhood Propangandroid over at The Gamer Dome has just launched a wiki for his new project: a way for all the amateur game designers to collaborate on their projects. Unlike the board game designers forum, this has a broader aim: to not only help those who want to design from scratch, but for […]
“Alone in the Dark” Preview Trailers
We’re going to be sent a review copy of the new game Alone in the Dark to be dissected by our crack team of video game experts one guy in a basement who can kick my ass in any FPS. Most of us hadn’t heard much about the game, so I checked out the trailers […]
Review: PMOG, the Passively Multiplayer Online Game
Tired of spending countless hours raiding and clicking to level up your Paladin? Wish you could gain powers and abilities while checking your email and going through your RSS feeds? Then do I have the game for you. PMOG- the Passively Multiplayer Online Game– is designed to be the game you play while going about […]
Brief Review: “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”
Surprisingly, no one else stepped up to review the latest (and last?) Indiana Jones flick. Here’s my SPOILER-FILLED thoughts for those who have seen it.
For a lucky few, 4dventure begins
Looks like a certain online seller shipped out at least some of its copies of the 4th edition D&D core books almost two weeks before the street date when they were supposed to start selling it. Of course, several threads have popped up to start tossing out scoops left and right. While there is a […]
YouTube of the Week: Death to Mario! Edition
Just a few ways that Mario could die, but doesn’t, the first few classic ones being the best.
Out with a Bang: D&D Finale Checklist
Back from Balticon, full of caffeine, and ready to work on the finale for my campaign! I’ve actually managed to keep my prepwork pretty light for this campaign. I knew between full time job, full time grad school, part time game design, and (of course!) blogging that I wouldn’t have an overabundance of time to […]
Precariously Balancing on the Edge of Game Design
Inspired by the discussion in one of my recent posts, I was surprised to hear that there are advocates AGAINST balance. The discussion was about RPGs, which have their own caveats as far as game design goes (which are crucial to the argument about why some feel it’s not important), but let’s start by talking […]
Maybe they can get Michael Bay to direct
Joystiq notes that the Castlevania movie is now back on track (and is Uwe Boll free.) But that’s not the only video game adaptation coming from the same studio. No, they also have the PAC MAN license! Yes, the hottest video game license from the early 80’s could be coming to a screen near you. […]
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