I’m at the 2008 Origins Game Fair in Columbus Ohio. Here’s a list of all the posts I’ve done about Origins: Travel Day (Podcast) Pictures from the Show (updated daily) Valerie of Rio Grande Games explains Dominion (Podcast) Luke of North Star Games explains Say Anything (Podcast) Lucas of Fantasy Flight Games explains Mutant Chronicles […]
Critical Hits Podcast #1: Origins Travel Day
Hear my sultry voice describe the difficulties in finding a place to sleep in Columbus in this very first Critical Hits podcast! Critical Hits Podcast 1 Today is literally my first experiments with doing podcast/audio. When I have more time I’ll see about doing the iTunes subscription and all that jazz. For now, it seemed […]
YouTube of the Week: Andy vs. Everybody Edition
In honor of heading off to Origins this Wednesday, check out this video of my buddy Andy Looney playing many of his games at once at last year’s Origins. Bonus: he calls his own La Strada !! on camera, which of course is illegal.
WTF is up with D&D Insider
I consider this a public service, since there’s tons of confusion about the issue (and for that I can place the blame solely on Wizards of the Coast.) With the advertisement in the back of every core book, it seems like the service launched, but that’s not the case. I’ve been asked lots of questions […]
Inquisition of the Week: Gaming Quote Finalists
Two weeks ago, we asked what your favorite version of D&D is. Among those who have come to our site and voted, 44% chose the brand-spanking new 4th edition. Following behind is 3.5 (and associated branches) at 30%. 2e was third at 9%, with 3.0 being last (behind the non-D&D players.) Very interesting stuff- while […]
Free RPG Day is Tomorrow
Continuing our usual public service for “Free _____ Days”, Free RPG Day is tomorrow. See if there’s any participating store near you, mentally rank the offerings, and head out on Saturday in search of free RPG goodness. You may recall that I was fairly unhappy last year because of the restrictions placed on it by […]
4e D&D SRD is up
The long-awaited SRD is up, and it doesn’t contain a lot of surprises, but it’s somewhat disappointing (especially by those of us spoiled by the openness of the 3e SRD.) Probably the only improvement for 3rd party product makers and fans is that they can finally put something with the D&D logo on the packaging, […]
YouTube of the Week: From the Files of Liberty City Edition
I may not be a GTA fan, but I’ll take any excuse to show a Naked Gun homage.
Inq. of the Week: Funny Gaming Quotes CONTEST
So far, we have nearly 200 votes in last week’s poll about what your favorite edition of D&D is. Currently, 4e is in the lead, with 3.5 possessing a pretty strong second, and every other option getting some love (even 3.0!) We’re going to let the poll run another week. For this week, we’ve got […]
An Unusual Source for RPGs and Game Design
Here’s an idea I’ve been thinking about for a while, and is worth revisiting as you plan your next campaign or sit down to design the next great game. Our biggest source of traffic is, of course, Google. Thanks to all the tracking software whojidgts, we have a comprehensive log of the search terms used […]
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