Dr. Reiner Knizia, one of the best known and most successful boardgame designers, was one of the Guests of Honor at Origins this year. I showed up to one of his panels, entitled “Creation of a Successful Game”, a few minutes late due to late night D&D the evening before. When I arrived, he had […]
Origins Wrap-up and Swag Report
Well, another Origins has come and gone. As with the past two years, I focused on press coverage and hanging out with friends moreso than playing games. However, I did still manage to hit the big games I wanted to play. Gaming North Star Games was one of the first booths I hit at the […]
While I was gone…
Three pretty important things happened in the gaming world while I was sequestered away at Origins: Reiner Knizia has won his first Spiel Des Jahres award for the boardgame Keltis. And he won the best kids game award too! I’m sure I’m one of the last bloggers to report on this, but Diablo 3 is […]
Mike Mearls: “Everything you Wanted to Know About Fourth Edition”
On Saturday of Origins, I peeled myself out of bed after a long night hanging out and gaming to attend the panel run by Mike Mearls. It was nearly all questions and answers, and even ran a half an hour past when it was supposed to let out. Mike started with introducing himself, saying that […]
Critical Hits Podcast #6: Interview with Mike Mearls
On the final day of Origins 2008, I sit down for a short interview with Mike Mearls, lead developer of 4e D&D. We talk about the game’s release, some DMing tips, older adventures, and much more. Critical Hits Podcast #6 (Quick note: I ended up moving the voice recorder at the beginning of the interview, […]
Critical Hits Podcast #5: Steve from Kenzer & Co explains Aces & Eights
I stopped by the Kenzer & Company booth to admire the setup for the new Western RPG Aces & Eights. Steve at the booth offered an indepth explanation of the game, and explains how it supports different styles of play, from minis combat to resource management to gambling to Al Swearengen. Critical Hits Podcast 5 […]
34th Annual Origins Awards Winners
It began, as last year, with an introduction by Phil Lacefield Jr. Miniatures Rules of the Year Presented by Rick Loomis Classic Battletech Published by Catalyst Game Labs Created by Jordan Weisman Edited by Michelle Lyons, Diane Piron-Gelman Saganami Island Tactical Simulator, Second Edition Published by Ad Astra Games Created by Ken Burnside and Thomas […]
Critical Hits Podcast #4: Lucas from FFG explains Mutant Chronicles CMG
My introduction to the exhibit hall, and I stop by the Fantasy Flight Games booth. Critical Hits Podcast 4 Pictures to go along with the podcast:
Critical Hits Podcast #3: Luke of North Star Games explains Say Anything
Say Anything is the new party game release from North Star Games. Luke explains how to play the game, and we hear the first sample round. Critical Hits Podcast 3 More pictures of a Say Anything game in progress:
Critical Hits Podcast #2: Valerie Putman explains Dominion
Dominion is a new card game coming out from Rio Grande Games, but is still in prototype form at the show. This was a highly praised game at this year’s Gathering and is generating quite a lot of early buzz- and for good reason. I’ll give a more indepth preview later, but for now, here’s […]
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