Spinning out of Chatty’s discussion on the “Tyranny of Fun“, we see that what a lot of the argument boils down to is that people have different playstyles and tastes, and different games meet those playstyles and tastes. However, many of the “Edition Warriors” out there attempt to frame it as a matter of one […]
Tidbits from E3 that I have liked
Since, for some reason, our tickets to E3 never arrived, I’ve been following the news through a few of the big video game blogs, and picking some things out that interest me: Xbox 360 will be able to stream Netflix movies if you have a subscription. I’ve never gotten the streaming video to work on […]
YouTubes of the Week Versus the Zombies Edition
Two videos featuring some unlikely zombie killers. The first, the trailer for the movie Chanbara Beauty, sent to me by the Chatty DM who claims to have seen the movie and still has his eyes intact. The second, a music video featuring Gorbachev as Conan fighting zombies, which was first featured by Amber Night.
The Perfect DM
According to players, the Perfect DM should be able to… Create an evocative world with every tiny detail thought out for whatever the players decide to investigate or whichever NPC they decide to converse with. Be able to improvise an entire adventure based on the whim of the players, in case they decide they don’t […]
Forget OD&D and AD&D: Play DD&D
For Drinking Dungeons & Dragons. As the planning for Gen Con goes ahead (mostly involving me panicking about not having signed up for anything), I continue my quest to trick some of the RPG bloggers into entertaining me at the convention by running games for my benefit. Well, I think I’ve finally tricked the Chatty […]
I can’t hold off any longer: Rock Band 2 is coming
I wanted to wait for some more concrete information to come out of E3 next week, but I can’t hold back any longer: Rock Band 2 is coming this September. (Well, Xbox 360 and PS2 is September, PS3 and Wii later in the year.) Presumably, this is to try and head off Guitar Hero 4‘s […]
Fanboy is now a real word, OK to call people it
“Fanboy” is just one of over 100 words to be added to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary this year. They specifically have it defined as “boy who is an enthusiastic devotee, such as of comics or movies.” Thankfully, the more derogatory “fanboi” is nowhere to be seen. Other words added this year that I use on a […]
YouTube of the Week: F Yeah!
In honor of the 4th of July last Friday here in the states, I present the above (whose existence I was reminded of by BoingBoing.) NSFW audio.
Inquisition of the Week: Podcasting?
Last week, we thought we’d update our records on what type of games everyone out there likes to play. Perhaps unsurprisingly, RPGs came out on top with 71% of those voting saying they play those. However, I was surprised that computer video games were next at 46%, beating out consoles at 35%. I anticipated more […]
Only one week left to win
Next week, contest entries close on Chatty DM and RP Tips’ contest for One Sentence NPCs. All you need to do his head over there and leave a comment with one (or more, as I did) NPCs that can be summed up in one sentence. It doesn’t matter if you don’t think your writing is […]
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