Not that I normally cover them, but I’m receiving word (via text message from my mother at WorldCon) that the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form) went to Stardust, and Best Novel went to The Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon. EDIT: A Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) went to the Doctor Who episode […]
WotC finally convinces me to buy Forgotten Realms
I’ve never been much of a Realms fan. Well, I take it back, I’ve never really been a fan of PLAYING in the Forgotten Realms. When I was younger, I read every FR book that my two local libraries had, and still own quite a few paperbacks of Realms stories. I especially enjoyed the Avatar […]
D&DI Updates: Charging Before Ready
WotC has posted some updates to how D&D Insider is developing. Some of it is encouraging, some of it… not so much. There’s a rundown of the different services that are included, which also drops this in there (that I hadn’t heard about before): A suite of small “bonus tools” that live on the web […]
Critical Hits Prepares for GenCon
Expect posting to be light for the next week or so as Bartoneus and myself prepare for the oncoming train game con that is GenCon. We’ve purposely left a lot of our schedule open so that we can cover the con and get into pick-up games that look interesting. We have scheduled just a few […]
YouTube of the Week: Get Your Higgs Boson Edition
By popular demand (from joshx0rfz), it’s the Large Hadron Collider Rap. You can sing this as it consumes the universe (or not.)
RPG Bloggers Down (And Back Up)
Just a quick note… we’re not sure if it’s due to the incredible response yesterday, a rogue post, or something else, but RPG Bloggers Network is currently down. We are doing our best to restore it ASAP. Well, not sure how or why, but it’s back up. Go forth and enjoy, and here’s hoping that […]
Announcing: The RPG Bloggers Network
I’ve been working hard the past week or so on a brand new project, but one that has been formulating for a long, long time. It’s the RPG Bloggers Network, located at! A bunch of us (especially those located in the Featured Site section) wanted a way to network together closer, so that members […]
3rd Party D&D GSL/OGL Publishers
Since there have been two major updates in the past day, here’s the list of companies that I know of (and let me know if there’s any I’ve missed, I’ll try to add them) that have or specifically have not signed the GSL. I’ve also tried to source them in some way. Necromancer Games: Staying […]
Rage, Song, and Shapeshift are all coming back
ENWorld is reporting, via the WotC 2009 catalog sent to retailers, that you’ll see the return of some familiar faces in PHB2: the Players Handbook 2 will include Druid, Barbarian, Sorcerer, Bard, and Swordmage classes (eight in all). New races will include the gnome, the half-orc, and the goliath. Cynics can now engage their “only […]
“Free comic like instant courage — only find it on Internet.”
A few pieces of random Watchmen mania (Watchmania?) First of all, this is genius. Second, a Chip Kidd-designed Watchmen extras book is awesome. Finally, while playing around with my new video iPod, I came across a Watchmen “motion comic” on iTunes. Only the first episode is up, but it’s free, so I checked it out. […]
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