Check out the first part of the interview, then continue on. Here, we mainly talk with Mike Mearls about R&D/rules questions. Critical-Hits: We’ve been hearing complaints about lack of customization on fourth edition. How are you going to add to fourth edition as far as customization, and options for classes? Mike Mearls: One of the […]
Critical Hits Podcast #8: Interview with Rob Heinsoo
Again at GenCon 2008, we spoke with Rob Heinsoo, one of the writers of the Player’s Handbook and lead designer of D&D 4e. (We previously spoke to him at D&D XP.) To start, Rob asked if he could ask US questions, which we were happy to oblige. Then, when we get to ask the questions, […]
Interview: Mike Mearls, Scott Rouse, and Randy Buehler (Part 1)
At GenCon 2008, we sat down at a round table with several WotC staff members: Mike Mearls (Lead Developer for D&D), Scott Rouse (Lead Brand Manager for D&D), and Randy Buehler (VP of Digital Games.) The first part mainly deals with D&D Insider and the GSL. Part two will deal more with Mike Mearls and […]
Critical Hits Podcast #7: Interview with James Wyatt
At GenCon 2008, we sat down (well, he sat down and we stood) and interviewed James Wyatt, Story Lead for D&D and primary author of the DMG. We talk about the game he ran for us (full report to come later), writing the DMG, his upcoming projects (Eberron Campaign Setting, Eberron Player’s Guide, and Player’s […]
Quick Updates from GenCon
Before we actually start some more serious writeups of our GenCon experiences, there’s a few tidbits that have crossed by me that I wanted to point out: Scott Rouse is very confident that the new version of the GSL will make third parties a lot happier, and they’re specifically using Clark Peterson (Necromancer Games/Orcus) as […]
GenCon 2008 Coverage
Bartoneus and myself are at GenCon 2008 in Indianapolis. This post will collect all of our coverage of the event, updated with new links whenever content is posted. GenCon Twitter Feed GenCon Photos Ennie Award Winners and Pictures Preview: D&D Insider Interview: James Wyatt (podcast) Interview: Scott Rouse, Mike Mearls, and Randy Buehler of Wizards […]
YouTube of the Week: Shameless Self Promotion Part 2 Edition
Just as with last year, I am inflicting upon you the movie I helped make in 48.25 hours. It is not eligible for the YouTube of the Year award, despite being awesome.
Inq. of the Week: GenCon?/YouTube of the Year Nominations
How much do we like to fight in our RPGs? 43% of you enjoy half your time being taken up with kicking butt, whereas closely behind 40% of you like the majority of your game to be hack and slash. Only 1% of you enjoy no-combat games. This probably reflects our audience more than it […]
WotC to revise GSL: that’ll give us something to interview about
With the evergrowing list of publishers not signing the GSL (or choosing their own alternatives), it looks like the message finally got through to someone: “We recognize the important role third party publishing support plays in the success of the 4th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons. We have listened to the community and our valued […]
Afterschool TV Tropes Special: Location. Location? Location!
Dave Chalker, AKA Dave The Game here (from that other website) (and that other, other website) filling in for the Chatty One while he does whatever it is Canadians do on vacation. I decided to aim high. Sure, I could have done a post about RPG blogging, on how to snare your friends into writing […]
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