- RT @fredhicks: Dresden Files RPG Casefile: Evil Acts: http://t.co/j75DNSs #
- RT @SlyFlourish: These are absolutely awesome #dnd character sheets. I hope @newbiedm does something like this: http://t.co/2N5pqDn #
- “@Wizards_DnD: Playtesting for the #DnD skirmish-style board game is open. Join the D&D Playtesting group now. http://t.co/btWXeDK” #
- Do you want a code to get into the Heroes of Neverwinter Facebook game? First 10 to reply that you do will get one. #
- That's all the codes we have to give away for now but we'll probably be giving more away later so keep an eye out! #
I would love a beta key! this is going to rock!