Jason over at The Action Point blog has been deployed over in Afghanistan at the Bagram Air Force Base. He’s setting up gaming for the troops, but he’s run into a problem: they don’t have enough stuff. While they’re getting official support in the form of D&D Encounters modules, they can still use the essentials: dice, books, minis, maps, etc.
So he’s put out the call for help, and we’re happy to pass along the call. You can help out in two ways:
- Send them gaming products (check this post for what he needs and this post on how to contact Jason so he can tell you where to send it.)
- Buy items from this Amazon Wishlist (be sure to mark it as purchased) which will get shipped directly out there.
In either case, please do consider donating to this great cause. It helps entertain those brave people who are fighting for us, and promotes gaming. Win and win.
Check out The Action Point for a (sadly text-only) update on the Bagram Gaming Community!