Another episode of the Dungeon Master Guys, filled with great guest stars, and just in time for Halloween. While the Chatty DM was on the way to NYCC, we had on a replacement Dungeon Master Guy: Quinn Murphy of the At-Will blog who lends us his dungeon mastering wisdom.
As always, email us, leave a comment, or leave a voicemail on 305-349-3026 (make sure to say it’s for the DM Guys) and we’ll try to answer it in a future show.
In this episode:
- Micah Wedemeyer of Obsidian Portal shares his tips on what NOT to do with a campaign wiki.
- NewbieDM interviews Wolfgang Baur of Kobold Quarterly about using horror in your RPG game and the Ravenloft setting.
- And we answer your DMing questions from Twitter.
Stuff mentioned in this episode:
- Obsidian Portal
- Ravenloft
- Essential Essentials: Rules Compendium and Heroes of the Fallen Lands
-, RPG Bloggers Network, #dnd on Twitter
- Dungeon Master’s Guide, Dungeon Master’s Guide 2, Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide, Call of Cthulhu d20, Robin’s Laws of Good Game Mastering
- Chatty DM’s series on Robin’s Laws
- What’s happening on At-Will: Tragic Imprint, Serious Skills, Dungeons & Flagons
- “What you Want” (ver. 2) by Kevin MacLeod
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The Dungeon Master Guys, Episode 6 (51 mins, 49 MB)
My favorite episode so far! 🙂
Thanks for having me on the show. I really had a blast!
I spun up this short look at other GM resources:
And it was reviewed at Gnome Stew– but Hamlet’s Hit Points is very useful!
Always a blast to be on guys. Thanks for letting me guest host!
Micah sounds like Neebs from Doraleous!
btw I’ve used Obsidian Portal for a few years and its great. And I enjoyed the well edited podcast.
Hi, guys.
Great show, as always.
FYI “Robin’s Laws of Good Game Mastering” is available for purchase in pdf form at Steve Jackson Games:
Also worth mentioning is Mike Shea’s “Sly Flourish’s Dungeon Master Tips”, which is written with D&D 4E in mind. It’s available here: