I’ll be at Gen Con for my 3rd straight year, my first as part of the Critical Hits team.
Here’s my official schedule for those who hope to catch me:
4 AM: Leave Montreal
5 AM: Play Nice with the US Border guard going into Vermont
8AM (ish): Fly from Burlington, short layover in Chicago O’HAre
2 PM (ish) Land in Indy. Book at the Hyatt, crash for 1 hour or so.
Early evening: Pre-Drunken D&D party: Boardgames, meeting with friends, etc. Location to be disclosed once we get there. (check Twitter).
8 PM: Drunken D&D: Dave and I will DM 2 simultaneous groups of 6 players through the fiendish dungeon of Miller the mad wizard. The games’ location to be disclosed on Wednesday afternoon. An audience is encouraged as they’ll get to participate!
11 AM: Doing a very special interview for Dungeon Master Guys along with Dave and NewbieDM
1 PM: D&D 4e tips Seminar (Westin-Causus). Chris , Dave: The Game and I will share our wisdom about running 4th Ed. The room is already sold out but drop by, we may be able to squeeze you in. And we’ll record it for later sharing!
2 PM: Playing in Chris Sims 1st “Welcome to Dark Sun, Bitches” game.
7 PM: I’ll be one of the RPG bloggers playing in StupidRanger.com‘s Roleplaying Therapy for the Severely Disturbed at the Westin-Causus room. This you gotta see: We’ll try as hard as we can to break the DM.
11 PM: Mouse Guard, I’ll be showing the game to a few friends, I’ll announce where if you are curious to see how it plays.
11 AM: Wil Wheaton’s panel, I have a nerdy-cool question all ready for him. 🙂
2 PM: Playing Free Market with Luke Crane. This is a new Sci-Fi RPG created by Crane and Jared Sorenson. I’m sooooo looking forward to this. Playing with Luke is quite a cool experience, he’s enthusiasm incarnate when he GMs. I thank my good friend DNAPhil who invited me!
8PM: Ennies Award, we’ll see if Critical-Hits wins “best RPG blog”. Plus its a cool evening to meet industry peers.
Post Ennies: If we win: party! If we lose : Party and gaming! I’d love to do a Magic the Gathering Draft at a bar!
I left this day more open to meet with people and do unplanned stuff, like an official Magic Draft if I didn’t get to do one before.
10 AM-noon: I’ll be signing copies of the One Page Dungeon Codex (Color and CD versions) at the Tabletop Adventure booth (booth #530) hell, I’ll sign printouts of any of my posts if you want! 🙂 Come and chat!
8 PM: Media meet and Greet (Union Station) where bloggers and podcasters will mingle and drink.
Wide open, usually a grand tour of the exhibit hall and chillin’ because I’ll be dead tired by then.
Dave vaguely mentioned running a game of Fiasco. I’d love to try that.
4 PM: Fly back home.
On my “must buy” list:
Free Market (if available)
Savage Worlds Explorers Edition (used?)
Additional copies of Mouse Guard for my players
See you there, see you then
For those going to Gen Con, I look forward to meet you/see you again. For those stuck at home, I will be blogging about it, if not during Gen Con, right after.
5 days!
*sigh* Another year that I won’t be going. Its really not that far away either (probably a 5 hour drive.. haha), but its not in the cards.
I think you meant that Wheaton’s panel would be at 11AM on Friday, not 11PM. Or its just out of order with everything else for Friday.
“hell, I’ll sign printouts of any of my posts if you want! 🙂 Come and chat!” Because, after all, you’re Chatty! 🙂
Ok, this year it happens. I’m done with my events around 2pm on Saturday. Anytime after that, or I’ll see you at the Media Meet & Greet.
Based on an e-mail I received after pre-ordering Eureka, hard copies probably won’t be available at Gencon. If you pre-ordered (and if you check your e-mail more often than I do), they were willing to scramble to send you one ahead of time though.
With you on Happy Birthday Robot.
Hope to see you there!
@Tiorn: Yeah, I know many can’t make it, It’s touch and go for me too but so far I’ve been lucky to manage it.
Fixed the Wil typo. Thanks!
@John: Oh, I’ll track you down man! I’ll do it for sure!
@Noah: Oh well, I’ll go and twist Martin’s arm and get one delivered home post “Le Gen Con”
Looking forward to Happy B’day and meeting Daniel Solis.
Hey Noah,
Hardcopies won’t be available from us – they will be at the Studio 2 Publishing booth and we would all be happy to sign them. If you can come to the Eureka seminar and catch me I’ll make sure you get a signed copy.
Bon voyage
Have fun
That picture will haunt me for the rest of my days.. Horrible. Truly horrible 😉
Hope you have a blast buddy! And really a USED copy of Savage Worlds?! The Explorers Edition is only $9.99 buddy! And Pinnacle can use all the support to keep books like that cheap! Shame on you Mr. Phil the Chatty Man!
lol. Talk to you soon dude!
Thanks John, I’ll try and move things around to swing by. More to congratulate you in person on a great book than for the autograph though. A cryptic text from my wife suggests that my hard copy has already arrived anyhow.
And for the record Engine handled this print issue amazingly well. A lot of publishers seem to be having release issues this year, and the steps you guys took to satisfy customers were uncommonly benevolent in an industry teeming with “sorry, you’re SOL, my bad.”
@Wrath: I ended up buying 3 new copies. How’s that for support? Now shut up, drop down and give me 20!